Monday 6 March 2017

Sex-starved teenager rapes chicken because he could not find a woman to go out with him

A sex-starved Kenyan sicko claimed he raped a chicken because he could not find a woman to go out with him. Kevin Simiyi was reportedly caught in the vile act by the hen’s horrified owner, and the fowl died shortly afterwards “from exhaustion.”
Simiyi, 18, told a shocked court he was too afraid to chat up women, and they did not fancy him, anyway, because he was poor. “I was caught defiling the hen by its owner,” he said. “I fear approaching women because of the high level of poverty and I feel women are very expensive. “Yes, I did it.”
The hen’s owner Judith Nasimiyu told the hearing the bird died of exhaustion last Friday as vets collected evidence against Simiyi. Simiyi pleaded guilty to bestiality and brazenly asked the court to be lenient because he was a first offender. But magistrate Stephen Mogute sentenced him to 15 months in Bungoma Prison.

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