Friday, 2 September 2016

Dad banned from TEXTING his daughter despite 12-year-old begging judge to overturn family court ruling

A TAXI driver has failed in his bid to lift an order which bars him from texting his own daughter – even though the 12-year-old begged the judge to overturn the ruling.
The man, who is separated from his wife, was slapped with the order following private family court hearings.
No-one involved has been identified, but details of the case emerged at a public Court of Appeal hearing in London.
During the hearing the man, from south-west London, complained the order was unfair – but his attempt to overturn the ruling failed and he was unable persuade a Court of Appeal judge to lift it.
Despite the man’s daughter – who sees him twice a month – penning a letter asking for permission to swap texts with her father, appeal judge Lord Justice McFarlane ruled that the man had no grounds for mounting a challenge.
He added Mrs Justice Parker, who is based in the Family Division of the High Court in London, had been entitled to make the order and had done nothing wrong in doing so.

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