Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Usain Bolt's 'first day on the job' as Digicel speed officer

IN A partnership dubbed 'Speed At Wor'k, Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt yesterday (Sept 13) turned up for his first day on the job as telecommunication giant Digicel's chief speed officer.
Bolt, who has a lifetime deal with Digicel, is responsible for ensuring customers have the latest devices and fastest technology.
His new job as chief speed officer will come with a fully equipped office named The Usain Bolt Speed Lab, also located at the organisation in the capital of Kingston, Jamaica.
"Number one in the world - I am really looking forward to working with you, looking forward to it, trust me, I am excited," Bolt said.
"I am ready, got a new job, I am ready. It's gonna be great for sure, great partnership. You guys are like family. I am ready."
The 30-year-old also visited the customer service department, spoke with customers and rapped with Digicel staff.
In true Usain Bolt 'speed fashion', Bolt's home will now have the fastest broadband Internet in the world, a 10-gigabyte and 10,000-megabyte speed home Internet in partnership with Huawei.
Digicel Jamaica CEO, David Butler, said: "This man obviously has a very unique understanding of speed around the world; we are hoping some of that will rub off on us in terms of our customers, in terms of our networks, our products and our market."
Butler, while congratulating Bolt on another sprint double at the recent Rio Games, said the Jamaican was more than a "partner, but a friend" of Digicel.
"Many congratulations for Rio, we are really proud to be associated with you for so long, you've been a great friend, partner, and thank you very much from Digicel," he said.
The Bolt-Digicel contract began 13 years ago, with the nine-time Olympic gold medallist and fastest man ever over 100 and 200 metres, earmarked to work with Digicel in a charity-based capacity.
He will be giving back through their future speed academies and mentorship programmes and will hopefully help uncover the next superstar.
"We are absolutely delighted to have you here, in terms of us in the Digicel Jamaica business, and for Digicel across the world as well," said John Suranyi, CEO, Digicel Play Caribbean.

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