Saturday 10 December 2016

4 Benue State "big boys" that steal people's ATM cards and pins, arrested with 70 stolen cards

Detectives attached to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Intelligence Response Team (IRT) have arrested four suspected fraudsters with over 70 stolen ATM cards. The suspects are specialists in in stealing ATM cards and its pin from bank customers who may be having difficulty in operating ATM machines.
The suspects were identified as David Wuese, Chika Okenyi, Omotayo Bamidele and Akura Godwin. It was gathered that the suspects were nabbed following complaints from members of the public who had been dispossessed of their ATM cards from across the country.
Following the complaints, the IGP was said to have detailed the head of the IRT team, Abba Kyari, to investigate and round up the suspects. Armed with the IGP’s directive, the team trailed the gang to their hideouts in Enugu, Benue and Nassarawa states from where they were arrested.
The leader of the syndicate Wuese, 27, disclosed that the syndicate was formed in Markurdi, Benue State and that they lunched their activities across several states in the country.
Wuese said, “The idea behind our operation was a collective one and I cannot tell who actually brought it, but before then we had read about something similar in the newspapers and we modified it. Some of the ATM cards found in our possession are not active. We use them to exchange valid ones from our victims.” Crdt: DailyTrust and Vanguardngr

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