Sunday 8 January 2017

I can dance naked with my head on the floor and my legs in the air for Ibori – Reverend Ken

Former Chairman of Warri South-West Local Government Area, Delta State, Rev Sam Ken, who is still bed-ridden after an accident in 2014, said this in an encounter with Vanguard.
He said: “As for Ibori’s release, if not for my present condition, I would have done more than what a renowned politician in this state, said he planned to do. I will dance naked in the market place if God had allowed me to be physically fit now.
I would have danced with my head on the floor and my legs in the air, concerning the release of a titan, because the man is a colossus, a rare breed. I have not seen a man apart from Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who has built the lives of people the way Ibori has done."

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