Saturday 13 February 2016

the slave house

It all started when my best friend moved to a new house right behind a post office. The first time I went there was at her birthday party. The first thing she did was tell us the story of the house. It turns out that the house was 115 years old, at least. It had slave passage ways, most boarded up, but one, the one that went through her closet and connected her room to her step-sister's room was still open. Now, this was a few years ago. I was around 10 or 11, and I'd never had a ghost experience before.
We stayed up late that night, me and around 5 or 6 other girls, along with my best friend's older sister, Codi. We told ghost stories until late, then snuck down to get some candy to last us through the rest of the night. Sarah's parents were both asleep on the couch when we snuck by, and were still asleep when we made it upstairs and crowded into her step-sister's tiny bedroom, filled with junk because she didn't live there very often. We were discussing what we were going to do for the rest of the night, when Shelly, one of the girls, declared she was dressing up as a spy and went into the bathroom.
We started to argue over what we were going to do, when we heard movement in Sarah's room next to us. Thinking it was Shelly, I went out to tell her to get out of Sarah's room.
The exact moment I stepped out, the bathroom door opened and Shelly came out. She said she heard someone walking around in the bedroom. I told her we thought it was her. When I walked back into the room, people had their ears pressed against the closet door, listening through the slave passage. But when we walked in to grab our sleeping bags, because we weren't sleeping in there after that, and the lights were still off, there was nobody there. The only living, breathing souls in that room at the time were Sarah's two rats.
Sarah moved away not long after.
Source :your ghost stories 

Thursday 11 February 2016

apartment 2

Last August 2014, me and my wife decided to move to an old but cheap apartment here in Manila, Philippines. The unit that we rented is really old, but fully furnished, with one room and just 500m away from the manufacturing plant where I am working.
By the way, I am working as an Engineer while my wife is a plain housekeeper. We have no kids yet, therefore most of the time; she is alone at home while I'm working.
On the first night of stay at our new home, I woke up at around 11:30 PM and saw a woman standing at the foot of our bed, I can't clearly see her face because the room is very dark and the only thing clear to me was her dress, she was wearing an old Spanish dress. At first I thought it was my wife because she normally gets up at night to drink water, so I called the woman by my wife's name several times but she did not respond. I looked beside me and to my surprise I saw my wife sleeping! And when I looked back to the figure I saw at the foot of our bed, it was already gone. I got really scared and I immediately woke up my wife, told her what I saw.
I tried to move on from that experience but it really bothered me for several weeks, I just forced my mind to think that it was just a dream or I just hallucinated.
But after a month of stay, we still experienced weird things like broken mirrors, scattered things, turning on/off of liL
ast August 2014, me and my wife decided to move to an old but cheap apartment here in Manila, Philippines. The unit that we rented is really old, but fully furnished, with one room and just 500m away from the manufacturing plant where I am working.
By the way, I am working as an Engineer while my wife is a plain housekeeper. We have no kids yet, therefore most of the time; she is alone at home while I'm working.
On the first night of stay at our new home, I woke up at around 11:30 PM and saw a woman standing at the foot of our bed, I can't clearly see her face because the room is very dark and the only thing clear to me was her dress, she was wearing an old Spanish dress. At first I thought it was my wife because she normally gets up at night to drink water, so I called the woman by my wife's name several times but she did not respond. I looked beside me and to my surprise I saw my wife sleeping! And when I looked back to the figure I saw at the foot of our bed, it was already gone. I got really scared and I immediately woke up my wife, told her what I saw.
I tried to move on from that experience but it really bothered me for several weeks, I just forced my mind to think that it was just a dream or I just hallucinated.
But after a month of stay, we still experienced weird things like broken mirrors, scattered things, turning on/off of lights, shower and TV by itself.
Our Haunted Apartment Unit
But the most recent experience we had, made us decide to leave our apartment:
My wife has a home business of buying "girl clothes" at the market and selling it online. One afternoon while I was still at work, my wife was taking pictures of herself and modeling for the clothes she is planning to sell. She set the timer of her cell phone to 5 seconds and decided to take pictures (front and back). But after checking the first picture, she noticed two ghostly fingers on the right side of her hair. She got really scared and ran to our neighbor's house and stayed there until I came home. (I am going to send the picture through email for the readers to see. This picture was taken using Samsung Galaxy Mega)
We showed the picture to our neighbors and friends but no one can offer a logical explanation.
After this incident, we immediately packed our things and decided to leave the house. Up to this day, we never really knew the history of that haunted apartment.
But the most recent experience we had, made us decide to leave our apartment:
My wife has a home business of buying "girl clothes" at the market and selling it online. One afternoon while I was still at work, my wife was taking pictures of herself and modeling for the clothes she is planning to sell. She set the timer of her cell phone to 5 seconds and decided to take pictures (front and back). But after checking the first picture, she noticed two ghostly fingers on the right side of her hair. She got really scared and ran to our neighbor's house and stayed there until I came home. (I am going to send the picture through email for the readers to see. This picture was taken using Samsung Galaxy Mega)
We showed the picture to our neighbors and friends but no one can offer a logical explanation.
After this incident, we immediately packed our things and decided to leave the house. Up to this day, we never really knew the history of that haunted apartment.' 
Source :yourghoststories


This story happened 10 years ago. We once rented a house near in a public market. It was really a huge house with two bedrooms. Beside our house is a huge Chico tree. My mom always recall her experience at that house.
One night, while we were asleep, my mom went to the toilet. Our toilet was downstairs. Surprisingly, when she open the door, she had seen three little muddy footsteps with 6 toes. It looks like a child's footsteps because it's very small. My mom wake up my dad and both of them wondered where it came from.
Another afternoon, my cousin is sleeping upstairs while me and my sisters are in the living room watching TV. She heard loud footsteps walking beside her. She thought it is just my father. When she call the name of my father, no one response so she went downstairs and asked us if my father was already home. We answered no. Then suddenly we heard a loud banging of the door. We all shouted and ran out of the house.
Another incident happened, it was Sunday afternoon about 5 pm, my mom was busy preparing and ironing our uniforms. She was facing at the window and she can see the huge Chico tree. Suddenly, she feels that someone is watching her. When she look around her, nobody is there. When she look outside, she saw a pair of eyes looking at her in the tree. She move closer so she can clearly see it. Suddenly, a huge black figure of a man appears. My mom shouted hurriedly went downstairs.
With those experience, my parents decided that we will move to another house.
Source: yourghostories

the bouncing ghost

My dad is a director of some government company so we move a lot. He was transferred to one of the cities here and thus we moved in with him. A brief description of the house. It was not in the city, it was quite secluded and very huge. It had its own playground, (soccer field, swings and stuffs like that), a very big pool and a garden all within the walls. There is a road like 100m from our house and opposite that road was a cemetery, which was still in use.
I had just been admitted into university so I always stay up late outside, doing research and stuff on my laptop. We had a very huge porch and security men were around 24/7 so I wasn't that scared to be outside. There was this particular security man who always told me to go inside but I never listened to him, he even told my mum to advise me (I later found out he was "sensitive"). I would always hear footsteps approaching and would be expecting to see one of the security guards but there would be no one. I thought nothing of it since it became "normal" to me. I could hear voices and sounds like someone searching for something, and also felt that heavy feeling like someone is behind you. I was scared to go to my bathroom at night, and until date, don't know why.
There are two major occurrences that really scared the sh*t out of me. One made me shout "JESUS" loud enough to draw the attention of those around. The first one was, I was reading my lecture notes outside and don't know why but I decided to go near the garden. I saw something not that tall, like a 3year old kid bouncing or jumping from tree to tree. I blinked, thinking it would disappear but it was still there. I ran as fast as I could to my room.
The second one happened one Friday or let's say Saturday morning. I was lying by the pool talking on phone with my girlfriend. After about 20 or so minutes, I saw it. It was like a shooting star, but this time, it was close... Very close. That was when I shouted "JESUS" then it kind of vanished into thin air in a blink.

the afterlife

This is one of those stories that keep your mouth wide open and your eyes bulgy. So this is not mine but my dad's story. When he was a young adult, before he got married to my sweet mum, he had this very good friend, they met in school and hit it off. This friend we will call John. John's mum had a little store where she sold drinks, food, candy and other groceries, so John was like this cool kid back then if you know what I mean (free food, free drinks if you became John's friend).
So, well he became good friends with my dad and they always met in the shop. God knows what mischief they embarked on being young adults and knowing my dad A LOT (lol). John's mum, sister, and younger brother knew my dad as they had gotten that close.
Then fast forward to a couple of years later, they've both gone their separate ways trying to find their footing being grown men. They hadn't heard from each other in years. So that fateful morning when dad went out and to his surprise saw John at a bus station was really nice... They talked and laughed like old times and then, according to dad, John became sad and said my dad never called on him and his family, that he should have at least gone to check on his mum and sister (sister had a crush on dad then). Dad felt bad and agreed to go say hi to them at the shop. The bus came and he hopped on and went on his way.
A week later he decides to go visit shop, hoping to find John's mum, the sister or John himself. He even bought some gifts (you know, to apologize). He laughed at how foolish he looked with his gifts when he learnt what happened.
So he got there and saw the mum, greeted her and apologized for not coming by to say hi after all these years and she told him it was fine. He proceeded to tell her that he even met John some time last week and they had a good talk, and asked her where he was. This was when the woman looked shocked and white as if she was suffering a stroke. Confused, dad asked what was wrong and when the woman finally came to she said John had been dead months ago and broke down weeping. Dad was even more confused because he had talked to John just last week.
Long story short, John really was dead. He had died in an accident and dad almost fainted when he saw it was true. The experience saddens him and makes him laugh too. He was glad his friend chose to somehow say goodbye to him.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

the lady

This story is of my brother who narrated it to me. During first year of his B.E. he started living with 4 friends in an house at 12 no. stop in bhopal. One night a friend of his woke up at 2 am. He was not feeling sleepy so he thought of going over to habibganj station for a smoke and tea. They all were sleeping in the same room and their belongings were kept in the other room, so he went to the other room to change up. While changing he felt like someone is there at the window. When he looked up he saw a lady figure standing at the window staring right at him. He was scared to shit and ran back to the room where everyone was sleeping. He tried to wake them up but my brother pulled him down and told him to keep quite. He whispered to my brother that there is some lady at the window of the other room, my brother pointed to the window of that room and asked- "This lady?".
 He froze with horror when he saw the same lady standing there as well. 10 minutes or so passed and nobody dared to utter a word. One of them (piyush) finally gathered some courage and asked out loud- "Is that you, aunty?" (referring to the wife of landlord). The woman however said nothing and vanished like a flash. All of them were scared to shit and they spent night at tea shops near habibganj station. Now when the narration of the event began, they found out that the lady was standing at both the Windows at the same time because my brother was awake and looking at that woman form this window when "Abhishek"(the first guy) saw her in the other room. They left the flat very next day. Later they found out that the flat was haunted as first wife of landlord had committed suicide there.

send in your scary real life stories

Friends if any of you have some real life stories you want to share you can send to

the sucide ghost

One of my brother's friend (James) used to stay with 2 other friends on a rented room during college. With only a ceiling fan in the room and no proper ventilation, the room was humid and hot. Like many students, they couldn't afford beds. So they used to spread their mattresses right underneath the ceiling fan to get the maximum breeze.  

One fateful night during the summer, James was having a hard time sleeping. He spent some time turning and tossing, feeling annoyed by the heat and the snoring of one of his friends. He was getting getting frustrated as it was almost dawn and he had an early class in the morning and he couldn't get a wink of sleep. Determined, he closed his eyes to force himself to sleep. 

Suddenly, he felt a chilling sensation on his forehead. Without paying any heed to it, he decided to turn to the other side to make himself comfortable. As he turned, he opened his eyes. What he saw paralysed him with fear! Not sure whether it was real or a trick of mind, he tried to figure out what it was. What he saw was a translucent shape of a woman that was hanging from the ceiling fan, her toes slightly brushing his forehead as the shape sways eerily in the circular motion of the fan. 

He needed someone to assure him that it was not real, that it was just the heat, that it was nothing but a feverish hallucination. So, with his eyes still fixated on the translucent figure, he nudge the friend who was lying next to him. After quite some frantic nudges, his friend whispered "what?" James asked if he sees anything hanging from the fan. His friend suddenly turned towards him and replied "Sssssshhh!! I have been looking at it for the past half hour!!"

seeing is believing

I was working in a call center based in Chandigarh India back in 2007. Our shift gets over at 02:30 AM (UK shift). While coming back from office, we always talk about paranormal activities and haunted places in and around Chandigarh. There is a famous haunted place in sector16, an abandon house. If you believe the local stories, the entire family died in an accident back in 1982 and they hunted the place.
When somebody shared the story of the haunted house, our excitement grew and we wanted to see the place. The toughest task was to convince the girls to go along, as we were traveling by the office cab. So we decided that we will make a 5 minutes stop in front of the house and nobody will get down. The driver was reluctant to go with this plan. But somehow, we three boys convinced him as it is only a matter of 5 minutes. Nobody knew the exact location of the house, it took us few minutes and turns to find out the house. All the housed seems OKAY, as the haunted house drew nearer everything around us became quieter and more distant. Damn there it was. Indeed a creepy house, which can suck the life out of you. Lots of bushes on the entrance, making it difficult to walk towards the front door.
From the outside, the house was tall and thin. One of our friends decided to be a hero and said that I will go in to see, where the ghosts are. The time he opened the car door, everybody started screaming and asked him to shut the door. A girl from our team, starting chanting some mantra, Driver thought that the condition is going out of control and decided to move out from that creepy place.
As they say curiosity never dies.
I reached at my room and shared the incident with my friends. We all decided to visit the place the next night. So next day we four friends on our bikes reached the famous “haunted place” after my shift. Two of us decided to explore and experience the ghosts, it was around 03:15 in the morning. We both walked in, only the mobile flash light was our source of light. We were also scared as some people from neighborhood might call the police and get us arrested for roaming around at this hour.
It was pitch dark and the mobile light was not helping much either. My friend hit something with his shoe and it started rolling further, our heart beat stopped beating for a second. We looked at each other
It was an empty bottle he said, a sigh of relief.
We explore the first floor, there was nothing except the fear of unknown. So we decided to move up the second floor. While we were on stairs, we heard footsteps as somebody coming down from the 2nd floor. We held each other tight and saw a figure, probably an old lady. Light was making its way from the window that was in the room to the stairs.
Man, the time we saw that ghost (may be imaginary), we ran like Usain Bolt and in no time we were back on the road where other two friends were waiting for us. We controlled our breath and asked them to move as quickly as possible. We turned towards the house, just to witness another weird thing, that the doors on the top floor started banging continuously. There was no wind blowing that made us believe that the ghosts are real. In fact we witnessed one. I was trembling with fear, so was my friend. I was not able to ride the bike, so asked my friend to do so. We reached home around 04:30 and decided never to disturb evil spirits ever in life. For the next two months, I felt like that somebody is following me all the time, it was spooky and I started avoiding to go alone anywhere. With time memories of that night started fading away and we went back to our normal lives.

the pool game

When I was in my early twenties, my date and I decided to go to the Sail Inn in West Sacramento to play pool. We'd been there before and enjoyed speaking with the bartender. I can't recall her name, but she was a beautiful, engaging woman. 

This particular night, we walked in and noticed the pool table was occupied. There was a man and woman shooting a game, so my date bought us some drinks while I watched. After a few minutes, the man noticed me and struck up a conversation with me. When my date came over with our drinks, the man asked us if we wanted to shoot a game with them. It didn't occur to me at the time that his female companion hadn't yet said anything. We said yes, so he racked up the balls, and we played against them. 

During the game, we introduced ourselves, and right after the man began asking me some personal questions that started to bother me, like where did I live, had my date and I been dating long, did we live together, etc. I noticed the man and his friend kept looking at each other. I became increasingly uncomfortable, even though the rest of the conversation was benign and pleasant in nature. Weirdly, the woman still hadn't said anything. 

When the game was over, the man asked us if we wanted to leave with them to go to another bar down the street. At first I didn't say anything. The guy asked us again, saying they discovered a cool bar not too far from where we were. 

My date and I looked at each other, and before he could say anything, I blurted out "no thanks, we have dinner plans". We in fact did not have plans, but my date didn't argue with me. I think he saw the look of panic on my face. We both grabbed our jackets and got the hell out of there. By the time we walked out the door, the hair was literally standing up on the back of my neck. 

When we got back to his truck, my date asked me what was wrong. I told him I got a horrible feeling from those people and just KNEW we had to get away from them. I told him it was weird that he asked us to leave with them when he didn't check with his date first. He shrugged and said ok. I think he thought I was crazy. 

A few days later, when I opened up the afternoon paper, there was an article in there about a woman from West Sacramento who'd been found murdered. I didn't think anything of it until I got to the page where the article was continued, and the picture of the woman practically lept off the page at me. It was the beautiful bartender from the Sail Inn! Apparently she'd been kidnapped, raped, and killed the very night I was there with my date. 

I was totally creeped out and thought what a crazy coincidence that was, and how sad it was that she had died so horribly. It wasn't until a month or so later that I realized why I had gotten so upset that night. 

A man and woman had just been arrested for the bartender's murder, along with the murders of several other people, four of whom were couples. There on the front page of the Sacramento Bee were the pictures of the killers, Gerald and Charlene Gallego,  the very couple who invited my date and I to go with them to another bar! And apparently, this was one of the ruses they used to get their victims into their van! 

My heart did flip flops in my chest as I read the article. Not only had we been targeted as their next serial-killer victims, when we turned them down, they selected another target because of ME! I have lived with both relief and guilt all my life because of this. Intellectually I know it's not my fault the bartender died, but I've always wondered how different the world would have been had she been able to live out her life, even though I would have been gone myself.  

Needless to say, that was the end of  my bar date experiences, for a long, long, long time.

Postscript: I just found out Charlene Gallego has been living in Sacramento under an assumed name. Apparently she was paroled there after serving her prison term. She has been making amends for her horrors by performing works of charity. Gerald Gallego died in prison before he could be executed. I know good old Gerry got what he deserved, but I'm not sure how I feel about Charlene living as a free woman. She claimed on the stand to have been manipulated by Gerry, which is why she went along with the killing spree. Maybe that's why she never said anything in the bar; maybe she was under his complete control, so much so that she couldn't even speak in public. I would love to have a private chat with her...
Source: Quora

new place

I had recently moved to Bangalore to live with my boyfriend.
It was in the month of March, we could hardly find a place to settle down.
He was still expecting a raise in his salary.
We had then decided to stay at our friends' place which was a rented 2 BHK house.
The second day, he had to go out with his friends .
So he left saying that he'll be back by 9pm.
It was 7 pm , i was watching movies on my laptop.
I was getting hungry .
I made some quick noodles and grabbed some chocolate to eat.
As i went in ,i suddenly felt the room lights going dim and windows were closed.
I went to open the window.
Suddenly my phone started to buzz but i remember switching it off before.
How did it end up on the bedside table!!?
Even before i reach out to my phone, the lights went off completely.
I could make out that someone was standing behind me, but i didn't dare to look back.
My eyes were now getting adjusted to the dark and i started to walk out of the room.
I was never home alone and i couldn't think of anything at that moment.
There was some disturbing silence , i could hear my own breathing.
And there in the pitch black corner , I didn't know where to look for a lighter.
At this moment, i was getting scary thoughts in mind.
There were many crosses, posters and wall stickers all over the room.
I walked  towards the kitchen and found a candle to light up.
I was sweating profusely, i somehow kept calm till the guys came back.
I felt terribly disturbed that night and went to sleep.
The next morning,  we were making breakfast .
I was standing exactly near the window from where i could see the opposite house.
Couple , who seemed to be in their mid-fifties always stood in the balcony watching us.
It freaked me out but i sort of forgot about it.
One evening, when i stood outside while my boyfriend was washing his bike i read the names written in the front of the house .
They were written in kannada knowing that he couldn't read kannada.
He seemed worried, expressions in his face went blank .
Later that evening he told me that we are leaving that place.
That night we packed our stuff & moved into a new place.
He later explained that the night he went out with his friends, he got to know something.
3 Years ago, in the same house a old man and his wife were living .
One day they got into a terrible fight , before the husband came home in the evening the wife hung herself .
Out friends were also looking for a place to move out .
Even they had similar experiences , the feeling of being watched ...
At first, he didn't believe that there could be any ghostly presence.
But the day when i read out the name of both the old man and his wife , he felt that something was really wrong.
He thought that i was possessed by the lady.
  • About old couple who were the house owners - the wife had committed suicide.
  • Then the other couple i mentioned here were local residents , they were trying to talk to us about the house .
They were  living opp to the old house , which was unoccupied for years .
Ever since our friends had moved in , they were asking them to leave that place . Because they believe that the place is haunted.
  • About Reading the names : He was worried because i wasn't told anything about that incident.
  • I didn't know about the lady or her husband
  • I didn't know she had died
  • I didn't know the names of the house owners .
  • I was just reading the names written on the gate , which he couldn't because he don't know Kannada.
After this incident, he thought that i might be possessed  .
(But i wasn't )


when I was 12 years old I found myself in the wrong by not going to sleep early that night. I was told by my mother , that I was never allowed to sleep in the same bed (my mother, grandmother and grandfather stayed together as my dad was in the UK) with my grandma at night by myself. I heard from somebody she crossed paths with a bad spirit but nobody would tell me much about it as I was only 12! I didn't give it much thought though as my grandmother loved me a lot and I always wanted to be around her more than my mom.
This day I remember very clearly even thought if was a long time ago as the events that happened just pinned to me as a child. I recall my grandmother telling my grandad that her chest felt heavy and she wasn't feeling too well. My mom kept me close by her side during that day and as a child I didn't think much of it. My grandmother layed it bed all day. I was watching TV with my grandad. It was around 11pm. My mom suddenly called on my grandad to come quickly and I followed behind. I saw my my mom struggling to hold down my grandmothers hands. Her hair was all over the place and her eyes were scarily wide open. My grandad went and held down one hand and my mother took the other. She (grandmother) started stomping her feet on the bed violently. I was terrified and curled up next to my mom. She did seven things. I remember counting. First she started laughing, in a deep voice that in no way a woman could do by herself. She did this continually for 5 minutes while swearing out at my mom and grandad. Next she started moving her eyeballs all over the place and gritting her teeth. They were big. Then she started crying, in a child's voice she cried and cried just as a little girl would. Then she started started swearing again and threating that she would destroy the whole family and kill everyone. Next she (or the thing) started shouting. It was a rural area and everybody was asleep so nobody heard. The other two things she did I cannot remember but this lasted till about 12:30am and all the while my mom and grandpa was trying to stop me from crying and also trying to handle my grandmother.
When the seven stages stopped it was as if something left her body and my real grandmother came back alive. When she woke she had no clue about what had happened and was just confused. I couldn't sleep without the lights on and my mom right beside me for a week stright. I was terrified.
Recently as I'm older I found out that this started happening to her after a year of getting married to my grandfather and at the start this would happen 4-5 times a year. Sone times she would be found walking into the woods and wouldn't respond when someone called her name. One time somebody caught her walking into the river in the evening and had most of her body immersed in water was going deeper until the guy called her and realised what was happening and had to get people to pull her out the water. It slowly decreased happening and it's not happened to her in the last 5 years. She's in her late 70's now.

my apartment

I had just come back from my trip to Barcelona and was dead tired. I was interning in Munich and used to travel on weekends. I was texting my girlfriend the pics i took from my phone of the historic Spanish city and was lying to her that the trip was boring as she wasn't there with me. 

It was 8pm, Apartment was a mess and I still had some energy left after all the drinking and travelling that weekend. I cleaned up the room with all the energy i had left. My other flatmate was never home as his 40 year old gf was pregnant ( that was his horror story :P ) 

I usually locked the door and turned all the lights off, before finally going back to my room at nights, as it is rude to waste energy in Germany ( unlike here in America). I was texting while laying down in bed when my body decided to give up and i dozed off unaware. 

2:30 am, same night. 

I was in a dreamless sleep until I hear someone whisper. At first I could not understand what exactly were the words. The whisper soon started getting louder (still whispering) - ''Auf''. My sleep was disturbed but I wasn't completely awake. "AUF" the whisper started growing in volume and felt closer. I could feel the moisture around my ear. This continued for a minute or two until I slipped out of my sleep with pounding heartbeat when a final loud angry deep voice right next to my ear went " OFFFF !!"

I woke up, sat up on the bed shocked ! ( To be honest I was a little  scared but there was nothing weird in the room ). I realized that I had fallen asleep and my lamp was still turned on. I thought, maybe My mind is unconsciously trying to wake me up and turn off the lamp. ( Energy conservation bi***es ! ) 

So, I get up and turned off the lights and hit the bed again. My heart was still racing. As I am about to sleep again, I see at the bottom gap of my closed room door. I could see light seeping in. A quick shadow in the light had grabbed my attention. 

I decided to go and have a look around the house to see if my flatmate was back and might have turned the lights on. I opened the door to find that All the lights/fans/appliances were turned on by the switches. Each and every room. Even the bathroom and balcony. 

"Swen ? Are you here?", I asked with a loud stable voice. I was hoping he was back and checked his room to find he is not there and soon checked the lock of the main door and it was locked. I still have no idea how I gathered the courage that night. Mumbling prayers I started switching off all the lights. That night I was faster than light. Within few seconds I turned off all the lights of the apartment and finally ran back to my room and turned off the lamp once again and hit the bed before my room was dark. I was terrified and forced myself to sleep again by convincing myself that I was the one who might have left the lights ON which was highly unlikely. The rational engineer self of me convinced myself that I might have forgot somehow and forced myself to sleep. 

Next day: I started off my day normally. Had bought some gifts for my gf and took some pictures of the same to send it to her later. Came back from work in the evening and thought of sending the pictures to her. 

And there it was:
 one the most terrifying moment was when I opened my camera pictures folder. I had pictures of me sleeping taken from the front camera with a blur in front of my clueless sleeping face. (3 pictures of me sleeping and 4 pictures of the room all between 2:14 am and 2:17 am). 

I was numb and remembered the whole "OFF" and 'lights' incident that happened  the previous night. I thought of rationalizing again but this time I gave up. If i am asleep, I had to unlock my phone ( had a complicated pattern swipe to do that then open the camera app, take my pics with eyes closed without missing my face in the frame, then switching to back camera and and taking pics of my room ??) I sometimes sleep talk but this was out of question. 

Could not sleep for days. Maybe my fear was induced somehow but I felt someone watching me all the time. 

I decided to track the incidents and would deliberately arrange furniture and stuff in my room in a certain way and take a picture before leaving for work. The confirmation that there was someone/something else present was certain when almost everyday when I came back from work and get into my locked room ( used to lock it with my separate key so that no one can enter if at all it was a prank ) and found either the chair or the laptop or the light/fan was on/ or at the different place or orientation from how i left it before leaving for work. 

I got a clear warning and decided not to investigate further and before I turn crazy, I decided to leave the apartment and live someplace else. It was not a surprise that within a week Swen said he never got good vibes from that apartment and had decided to leave too when I told him I wanted to leave.

Within 2 weeks both of us were out of that place.

the Ourang Medan

The story of the Ourang Medan is set in 1947, when two American ships received a SOS call while sailing across the Strait of Malacca, off the coast of Malaysia. The sailor identified himself as a crew member of the Ourang Medan, a Dutch ship, and claimed that the ship’s captain and crew were either dead or dying.
The messages became incomprehensible - "S.O.S. from Ourang Medan - we float. All officers including the Captain, dead in chartroom and on the bridge. Probably whole of crew dead." A few confused dots and dashes later two words came through clearly. They were "I die". Then, nothing more.
The ships immediately departed to the scene. When they reached there, they found that the Ourang Medan was undamaged, but whole of the crew—even the ship’s dog— was dead, their bodies and faces frozen in horrific poses and expressions, and were pointing at something which wasn't there
But before the rescuers could investigate further, the ship mysteriously caught fire, and they had to leave. Soon after, the Ourang Medan is said to have exploded and then slowly sunk. While the details of the Ourang Medan incident are widely debated, there are a lot of theories about what might have caused the demise of the sailors.
The most accepted of these is that the ship was illegally carrying nitroglycerin or some other illegal nerve agent, which was not properly contained and leaked out on the ship. Others have proposed that the ship was a victim some paranormal event. But the real reason behind the Ourang Medan incident is yet to be explained.

the bride

Though I have read and listened many horror stories this one made me really horrified and its a true one happened to my friend. One late winter night he was travelling from Jaipur to Delhi on bike with his friend who was riding it. No need to say it was dark with occasional trucks which you will encounter on any any national highway during night time. My colleague was riding pillion when he saw his friend looking intently on his side with a complete 90° turn of his head. His friend's face was white with horror. He casually asked what is happening. His friend asked him to just shut up. Confused and panicked he just kept quite till 10-15 minutes when his friend stopped at a temple which was lighted. They were just walking to temple when an old man asked his friend,"you saw her?". His white with horror face was enough of an answer. So the old man asked them to pay a visit to temple and carry on with their journey. They did as he told and continued. It's only when they reached their destination in the morning. His friend had guts to tell what he saw. He told at that time he saw a woman dressed as bride running with their motor cycle facing him. First he wondered how she could could catch up with bike's speed. It was only then he realized she was not human. He froze with anticipation what else she could do and was unable to avert his eyes from her expressionless face. So he spotted light and stopped there. Imagine for 10 minutes or so he kept looking at supernatural creature while riding a bike. My colleague saw or felt nothing. This story sort of reinforces the presence of spirits as it happened to someone I know. That thought fires up my imagination when I am at any horrifying situation.

yearning and learning

Back in the day, my grandpa used to go to the nearby town from his village for various purposes, leaving early morning and returning by night. The town was about fifteen kilometers from the village, and then, the rural areas were not much electrified. Through the outskirts and the fields, it got difficult to see the path and reach village after it got dark.
Being a relatively rich man, he had helped many fellow villagers. One such person was Shankar, a farmer, who owed a huge debt to my grandpa. Grandpa had lent him a large sum of money for the marriage of his only daughter, and at a time of dire need. As such, he respected and revered my grandpa with a lot of gratitude.
One day, grandpa got very, very late while coming back. He couldn’t see the road and lost his way. It being the rainy season, he was finding it difficult to reach the village through the puddles. 
After toying with the dark for a while, grandpa was getting very worried, when a familiar voice called him from behind.
It was Shankar with a lamp in his hand. Shankar immediately told grandpa to start walking, as he used the lamp from behind to show the path. He strictly told grandpa not to look back. Not giving it much thought, Grandpa started walking.
Throughout the path he conversed with Shankar, asking how his daughter was doing, and how his crops were coming around. They discussed the roads and the rains and the village, and not once did my grandpa looked back. 
Soon, they arrived at the brink of the houses. Shankar left saying he couldn’t go any further inside as he had someplace else to go. Grandpa went on by himself, and kept walking until he observed an assembly of people standing, discussing something.
When they told him what they were discussing about, Grandpa froze. Shankar had passed away that day.
It wasn’t someone who had shown him the path. It was something.
Shankar had returned from death to acknowledge his debt and provide help to grandpa when he needed it.
Source :Runso