Wednesday 10 February 2016

seeing is believing

I was working in a call center based in Chandigarh India back in 2007. Our shift gets over at 02:30 AM (UK shift). While coming back from office, we always talk about paranormal activities and haunted places in and around Chandigarh. There is a famous haunted place in sector16, an abandon house. If you believe the local stories, the entire family died in an accident back in 1982 and they hunted the place.
When somebody shared the story of the haunted house, our excitement grew and we wanted to see the place. The toughest task was to convince the girls to go along, as we were traveling by the office cab. So we decided that we will make a 5 minutes stop in front of the house and nobody will get down. The driver was reluctant to go with this plan. But somehow, we three boys convinced him as it is only a matter of 5 minutes. Nobody knew the exact location of the house, it took us few minutes and turns to find out the house. All the housed seems OKAY, as the haunted house drew nearer everything around us became quieter and more distant. Damn there it was. Indeed a creepy house, which can suck the life out of you. Lots of bushes on the entrance, making it difficult to walk towards the front door.
From the outside, the house was tall and thin. One of our friends decided to be a hero and said that I will go in to see, where the ghosts are. The time he opened the car door, everybody started screaming and asked him to shut the door. A girl from our team, starting chanting some mantra, Driver thought that the condition is going out of control and decided to move out from that creepy place.
As they say curiosity never dies.
I reached at my room and shared the incident with my friends. We all decided to visit the place the next night. So next day we four friends on our bikes reached the famous “haunted place” after my shift. Two of us decided to explore and experience the ghosts, it was around 03:15 in the morning. We both walked in, only the mobile flash light was our source of light. We were also scared as some people from neighborhood might call the police and get us arrested for roaming around at this hour.
It was pitch dark and the mobile light was not helping much either. My friend hit something with his shoe and it started rolling further, our heart beat stopped beating for a second. We looked at each other
It was an empty bottle he said, a sigh of relief.
We explore the first floor, there was nothing except the fear of unknown. So we decided to move up the second floor. While we were on stairs, we heard footsteps as somebody coming down from the 2nd floor. We held each other tight and saw a figure, probably an old lady. Light was making its way from the window that was in the room to the stairs.
Man, the time we saw that ghost (may be imaginary), we ran like Usain Bolt and in no time we were back on the road where other two friends were waiting for us. We controlled our breath and asked them to move as quickly as possible. We turned towards the house, just to witness another weird thing, that the doors on the top floor started banging continuously. There was no wind blowing that made us believe that the ghosts are real. In fact we witnessed one. I was trembling with fear, so was my friend. I was not able to ride the bike, so asked my friend to do so. We reached home around 04:30 and decided never to disturb evil spirits ever in life. For the next two months, I felt like that somebody is following me all the time, it was spooky and I started avoiding to go alone anywhere. With time memories of that night started fading away and we went back to our normal lives.

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