Thursday 11 February 2016

the bouncing ghost

My dad is a director of some government company so we move a lot. He was transferred to one of the cities here and thus we moved in with him. A brief description of the house. It was not in the city, it was quite secluded and very huge. It had its own playground, (soccer field, swings and stuffs like that), a very big pool and a garden all within the walls. There is a road like 100m from our house and opposite that road was a cemetery, which was still in use.
I had just been admitted into university so I always stay up late outside, doing research and stuff on my laptop. We had a very huge porch and security men were around 24/7 so I wasn't that scared to be outside. There was this particular security man who always told me to go inside but I never listened to him, he even told my mum to advise me (I later found out he was "sensitive"). I would always hear footsteps approaching and would be expecting to see one of the security guards but there would be no one. I thought nothing of it since it became "normal" to me. I could hear voices and sounds like someone searching for something, and also felt that heavy feeling like someone is behind you. I was scared to go to my bathroom at night, and until date, don't know why.
There are two major occurrences that really scared the sh*t out of me. One made me shout "JESUS" loud enough to draw the attention of those around. The first one was, I was reading my lecture notes outside and don't know why but I decided to go near the garden. I saw something not that tall, like a 3year old kid bouncing or jumping from tree to tree. I blinked, thinking it would disappear but it was still there. I ran as fast as I could to my room.
The second one happened one Friday or let's say Saturday morning. I was lying by the pool talking on phone with my girlfriend. After about 20 or so minutes, I saw it. It was like a shooting star, but this time, it was close... Very close. That was when I shouted "JESUS" then it kind of vanished into thin air in a blink.

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