Wednesday 10 February 2016

the Ourang Medan

The story of the Ourang Medan is set in 1947, when two American ships received a SOS call while sailing across the Strait of Malacca, off the coast of Malaysia. The sailor identified himself as a crew member of the Ourang Medan, a Dutch ship, and claimed that the ship’s captain and crew were either dead or dying.
The messages became incomprehensible - "S.O.S. from Ourang Medan - we float. All officers including the Captain, dead in chartroom and on the bridge. Probably whole of crew dead." A few confused dots and dashes later two words came through clearly. They were "I die". Then, nothing more.
The ships immediately departed to the scene. When they reached there, they found that the Ourang Medan was undamaged, but whole of the crew—even the ship’s dog— was dead, their bodies and faces frozen in horrific poses and expressions, and were pointing at something which wasn't there
But before the rescuers could investigate further, the ship mysteriously caught fire, and they had to leave. Soon after, the Ourang Medan is said to have exploded and then slowly sunk. While the details of the Ourang Medan incident are widely debated, there are a lot of theories about what might have caused the demise of the sailors.
The most accepted of these is that the ship was illegally carrying nitroglycerin or some other illegal nerve agent, which was not properly contained and leaked out on the ship. Others have proposed that the ship was a victim some paranormal event. But the real reason behind the Ourang Medan incident is yet to be explained.

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