Wednesday 10 February 2016

the sucide ghost

One of my brother's friend (James) used to stay with 2 other friends on a rented room during college. With only a ceiling fan in the room and no proper ventilation, the room was humid and hot. Like many students, they couldn't afford beds. So they used to spread their mattresses right underneath the ceiling fan to get the maximum breeze.  

One fateful night during the summer, James was having a hard time sleeping. He spent some time turning and tossing, feeling annoyed by the heat and the snoring of one of his friends. He was getting getting frustrated as it was almost dawn and he had an early class in the morning and he couldn't get a wink of sleep. Determined, he closed his eyes to force himself to sleep. 

Suddenly, he felt a chilling sensation on his forehead. Without paying any heed to it, he decided to turn to the other side to make himself comfortable. As he turned, he opened his eyes. What he saw paralysed him with fear! Not sure whether it was real or a trick of mind, he tried to figure out what it was. What he saw was a translucent shape of a woman that was hanging from the ceiling fan, her toes slightly brushing his forehead as the shape sways eerily in the circular motion of the fan. 

He needed someone to assure him that it was not real, that it was just the heat, that it was nothing but a feverish hallucination. So, with his eyes still fixated on the translucent figure, he nudge the friend who was lying next to him. After quite some frantic nudges, his friend whispered "what?" James asked if he sees anything hanging from the fan. His friend suddenly turned towards him and replied "Sssssshhh!! I have been looking at it for the past half hour!!"

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