Sunday 30 October 2016

Father strangles own children, as sacrifice for his father

Thomas Matthew, 35, has revealed how his father, who he claimed initiated him into an occult group, appeared to him and told him to sacrifice his children to him. In response, Matthew strangled his two-month-old son, John and daughter, Mary, 4-month-old, at different times.
However, his attempt to also kill his first son, Josiah, 9, backfired. The incident happened in Mountain village, Asokoro, Abuja.
The FCT Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Mustafa, said Matthew strangled his daughter, Mary, inside his house on October 7, 2016, after beating his wife, Bola, who is deaf and dumb, and chasing her out of the house.
In a brief interaction facilitated by a sign language expert, Bola recalled how the husband had tried to kill their first son. She said: “I didn’t know that my husband is a cultist. I remember when he first tried to kill our first son, I reported the matter at the Garki Police Station.
It was my mother who took the boy away from the house and he is still staying with her in Mararaba, Nasarawa State. Then I had another son last year. When he was two months old, he became sick. My husband killed him in September 2015. I didn’t know until he confessed.
This year I had our daughter. In the night of October 7, 2016, we were together in the house when suddenly he started beating me. I got injured and ran away to his elder sister’s house. Before I came back with his sister, he had strangled our baby to death."
While speaking to newsmen, Matthew said: "My father is a cultist and he initiated me into the occult. My father asked me to offer the children as sacrifice and mark of honour to him, promising he would make me become rich.
It was a covenant. My father gave me conditions that if I revealed the covenant, that the covenant would be destroyed. I also wanted to kill my younger brother according to my father’s instruction. My father is still alive and he is in the village in Benue State.” Crdt: The Sun

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