Thursday 20 October 2016

U.S-based Nigerian couple arrested for enslaving nanny for 2 years, convicted

Sandra Nsobundu, 49, and Chudy Nsobundu, 57, charged in relation to the enslavement of their nanny have been convicted, announced U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson.
Sandra entered a plea to unlawful conduct with respect to documents in furtherance of forced labor, while her husband - Chudy pleaded to visa fraud. From Sept. 29, 2013, to Oct. 10, 2015, the couple maintained a Nigerian woman to serve as a housemaid and nanny at their residence in Katy.
They knowingly caused a false visa application for the victim to be submitted to the Department of State with numerous pieces of false information. Throughout the period she worked for them, the victim was not permitted to have her passport or visa.
The Nsobundus knowingly enacted a scheme intended to cause the woman to believe that failure to perform the labor and services would result in serious harm to her. They also threatened abuse of law and the legal process.
The scheme included not paying her and restricting her movement to their residence or two short walks per day around the block with the children. They also frequently yelled at, scolded and berated her for moving too slowly or failing to care for the children in the manner they wanted.
In addition, the Nsobundus threatened to send her back to Nigeria if she did not comply with their labor demands. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is seeking restitution in the amount of $129,108 to the victim, alleging the defendants owe that amount in back wages.
The victim was rescued Oct. 10, 2015, after more than two years with Nsobundus in the U.S. following a tip to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.
Sandra faces a maximum of 5 years in prison, while her husband faces up to 10 years imprisonment. Both could also face up to a $250,000 fine. They were permitted to remain on bond pending sentencing which has been set for Jan. 4, 2017.

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