Monday 21 November 2016

Singapore government insists on executing Nigerian drug convict on Friday

Chijioke was arrested on 9 April 2007 and subsequently charged with trafficking 2,604.56 grammes of cannabis. He was found guilty and sentenced to death by the High Court in November 2008.
Under Singaporean law, trafficking more than 500 grammes of cannabis is sufficient to attract the mandatory death penalty. A search of his rented room also turned up items like a utensil for smoking cannabis and a weighing scale.
Today, his family was informed that his appeal for clemency has been rejected. He is set to be executed on Friday 18 November 2016, despite pressures from the international communities.
Chijioke Stephen Obioha graduated in Industrial Chemistry from Benin University in Nigeria. He moved to Singapore in 2005, seeking to join a football club. Amnesty International has once again called on Singapore to immediately halt the execution.

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