Friday 11 November 2016

After much pressure, White House releases photo of Michelle Obama and Melania Trump's meeting

The White House has released an image of Michelle Obama speaking to Melania Trump - hours after the first lady and first lady-in-waiting met. First Lady Michelle Obama met her successor yesterday, greeting the president-elect's wife Melania Trump at the White House when she arrived and hosting her for tea.
Press were barred from covering the visit that coincided with their husbands' 90-minute meeting in the Oval Office. A photo of the women chatting in the Yellow Oval Room was posted hours later - and only after media outlets put public pressure on the White House to release it.
In 2008, when the White House last changed hands, President George W. Bush and his wife Laura eagerly greeted the Obamas on the South Lawn. Reporters were invited to cover the historic moment then. Yesterday, they were not. A Wall Street Journal report says the White House cancelled the photo-op.

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