Saturday 27 August 2016

Horrific ISIS video shows British child – dubbed Abu Abdullah al-Britani – ‘shooting prisoner in the head’ in Syria

A SICKENING new ISIS video purporting to show a young British boy killing a hostage has been released.

The slickly edited video shows five children, including one said to be from the UK, standing behind kneeling prisoners clad in orange jump suits.
One of the youths shouts out in Arabic before raising their handguns and killing the men in front of them.
The lads, who look no older than ten or eleven years old, are dressed in camouflage gear and black gloves but with their faces clearly on display.
The child who is thought to be British has blue eyes and can be seen staring ahead before pulling out a pistol, raising it in the air and aiming it at the hostage’s head.
The identity of the British lad in the video is not yet known but he is being called Abu Abdullah Al-Britani, an Islamist name which has previously been used by other Brit jihadis.
He shares the same name with another Brit who fought for ISIS.
The other Al-Britani was the Islamic name of Assad Uzzaman, originally from Portsmouth, who was 25 when he was killed in Syria last year.
Included with the British child are kids believed to be of Egyptian, Kurdish, Tunisian and Uzbek background.
The inclusion of children from many backgrounds is a common theme in ISIS propaganda, as the group likes to point out its international presence in an apparent attempt to gain legitimacy.

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