Monday 29 August 2016

Yemen attack: Isis suicide bombing leaves at least 54 dead at army camp in Aden

Isis has claimed responsibility for a suicide bomb attack on an army camp in Yemen which at least 54 people, the health ministry said.

A spokesperson for the medical charity Medicins Sans Frontieres said at least 60 other wounded people had been brought into a hospital run by the charity in Aden.
Isis' Amaq news agency said the attack had killed about 60 new recruits.
"Around 60 dead in a martyrdom operation by a fighter from Islamic State targeting a recruitment centre in Aden city," the statement said, without giving further details.
A security source told Reuters the attack targeted a school compound where conscripts of the Popular Committees, forces allied to the internationally recognised President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, were gathered for breakfast.
Witnesses said the suicide bomber entered the compound behind a truck that had brought breakfast for the conscripts, who had queued for the meal.
Islamist militants have exploited an 18-month-old civil war between the Houthis and Hadi's supporters and launched a series of attacks targeting senior officials, religious figures, security forces and compounds of the Saudi-led Arab military coalition which supports President Hadi.

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