Saturday 27 August 2016

The Speechless Ghost

Location:Mississippi United States
My name is Kimberly, I am 31 years old. At the age of 17 I had an encounter with some type of spirit.
The incident took place twice in less than a year.
One morning while lying in bed with my back facing my bedroom door I heard footsteps coming from the front of the house, we had tile floor, no carpet. My room was in the back of the house, mind you on this particular day I was supposed to be in school but I decided to stay home this day. What I heard was the sound of something with hard bottom shoes on that walked from the living room to my room and the steps stopped when it reached my bed. I was too terrified to turn around.
Whatever that was it used its hand to touch my back kind of like pressing down on it. I was filled with horror I could not turn around to see what was trying to communicate with me. Then after a few seconds it released me and vanished, there was no sound of it walking away.
The second encounter happened a few months later at a different home that we had moved to. I was the same age, I was home alone (I was also home alone during the first incident.) I was lying in bed with my back facing my bedroom door, and I decided to stay home from school that day as well. This house was much smaller than the previous. On this day I heard our front door open and close, the spirit had on hard bottom shoes, it walked straight to my room, stopped at my bed, and this time it didn't touch me, just stood there. I'm not sure how long it stood over me because there was never a sound of it walking away.
There had not recently been a death in or our the family. I have no idea what message it was sending. I just know when I used to tell people about this encounter I would get so emotional, and cry telling this story. Fourteen years later I still think about those days and wonder, "what was that." Can you give me your thoughts on that please?

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