Saturday 27 August 2016

Nigeria May Expereince a repeat of the 2012 floods....NEMA Director

Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has received warnings from the neighbouring Republic of Niger that the present water level in the River Niger is as high as this time in 2012, a year of destructive floods.

"If the heavy rainfall continues in intensity and duration within these regions of the River Niger, it is imminent that flood situation similar to that of the year 2012 may occur," NEMA Director General Muhammad Sani Sidi said.
In June, major thunderstorms caused the Iyi-Udele River in central Nigeria to flood, displacing 5,000 people. In early August, local disaster management officials in the country's Kano State said that flooding had left thousands of homes destroyed or damaged.
"Following intense rainfall and rises in water level, the NEMA has advised communities along the River Niger to evacuate immediately to safer ground over the likelihood of floods that may occur at any moment from now," the agency said in a statement earlier this month.
Soon after, the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), in collaboration with the Nigerian Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA), warned of potential flooding in 11 states across the country between August and October this year.
"Rainfall in June and July means that soil moisture is near or at saturation levels," the agencies said.
In this particular season, as the world’s climate rebounds from a major El Nino, the usual summer easterly waves have been late in coming. These large clusters of thunderstorms develop in tropical Africa during the rainy season, and are steered westward in the Tropical Easterly Jet Stream.

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