Wednesday 10 August 2016

Belgian police hunt 15-year-old son of radical imam and declare him a 'serious threat' after the boy posts a video calling for the murder of all 'Christians'

Belgian police are desperately hunting a radicalised 15-year-old son of an imam who appeared in a video pleading for the 'annihilation of all Christians'.
The chilling video shows the teenager, who has not been named, calling for Allah to 'destroy' Christians and 'kill them all'.
He sang the alarming outburst which was filmed in Verviers, east Belgium, and police added that the boy has been recognised and is on a list on radicalised people.

The youngster also said 'Allah, humiliate and destroy the polytheists (left) and said don't leave a 'single one of them (right)
A source told the Daily Telegraph that the youngster is the son of a local radical imam - a leader of a mosque. 
The source added that the teenager posed a potentially 'serious threat' to the public and officers wanted to trace him 'as soon as possible'. 
Muriel Targnion, Mayor of Verviers, said that the recorded clip is being taken seriously and requested that officers find him as 'a matter of urgency'. 
In the video - posted on Memri TV - he said: 'Oh Allah, annihilate the hateful Christians. Oh Allah, kill them all. Do not leave a single one of them.'
The film was shot in Verviers, the scene of a successful anti-terrorism operation last year.   
Belgian newspaper La Meuse reported that the boy is the son of imam El Alami Amaouch, who currently faces deportation to the Netherlands.
His father has duel Dutch-Moroccan nationality and is a leader at a mosque in the village of Dison, near Verviers.
Theo Francken, Belgium's Minister for Asylum and Migration, said the authorities tried to extradite Amaouch to the Netherlands but his appeal delayed proceedings.
Francken told VRT News: 'We have been trying to get him out of the country for the past year but he has appealed. I can only hope that the Aliens' Council deports him quickly'.
He said that the imam was the 'spiritual father' of a terrorist cell in Verviers, and added: 'It seems that it runs in the family.'   

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