Wednesday 10 August 2016

Demonic Haunting - Gibb Lane

Location:United Kingdom
Thank you for your patience on waiting for my next post, I understand a majority of you are waiting to hear more of what has happened. Even though I like the thought of sharing these stories with such a wide range of people I don't really enjoy the experience very much.
The rope burn on my neck cleared up about a week after my ordeal. Since that event happened I have been back round to my parents house but felt no threat whilst there and nothing has happened to me while I've visited their home. However I cannot say the same for elsewhere...
Since around the 2nd week before Christmas myself, my girlfriend and my cousin have heard a lot of strange noises coming from my bedroom, which is above the living room. They started off as the odd little bang every now and again and as the 1st week past it became louder. For the first couple of times I went upstairs to check my room, obviously no one was ever in it but the noise seemed to suddenly stop when ever I reached the top of the stairs. In the end I gave up going to check as it happened so frequently that I would have been up and down like a Yo-Yo! Around the second weeks loud bangs turned into scraping sounds, it was like my bed was being dragged along the floor. This really freaked my girlfriend out and my cousin who both like typical woman (no offence) screeched in fear and more or less dived behind me on the sofa. Once again the first few times I got up to check, I was imagining going up the stairs to find my bedroom furniture all over the room. But nothing. So I gave up going upstairs to check. In the end we resorted to turning the volume up on the TV so we couldn't hear it.
Since Christmas and New Year have been I have been out for a couple of nights throughout the weeks meeting up with the lads and having a beer. My girlfriend says the noises don't seem to happen when I'm not there. Which I think she was kind of glad of as I wasn't there to protect her if they did start up.
Anyway putting all that aside, my reason for posting up another update is something unusual happened to me. This could be considered sleep walking but I think it's taking sleep walking to the extreme if you ask me...
One usual night about 2 weeks ago I'd had a few drinks out with the lads at the local pub, wasn't drunk and hadn't been taking any drugs (just for reference). I must of got in about 12:45am. I remember taking my shoes off in the hallway, letting the dogs out to do their thing and lying on the sofa to watch TV. I must of dozed off.
The next thing I open my eyes and I'm standing outside in the freezing cold facing a house, three houses to be exact. It took me a while to come round and I remember rubbing my face to try and wake myself up. I looked like I was dancing on the spot as I kept turning around and lifting my feet off the ground. It had snowed a couple of days before and the snow was still really thick and I had no shoes on, my feet were numb. I couldn't believe I was outside.
The three houses in front of me were all attached. They looked like old farm houses with big wooden beams above the front doors, and really old looking windows. There was a black wooden gate in front of where I was stood, leading up to a thin single path that lead half way up to the shared front garden of the three houses then sectioned off into three paths, each one leading to the front door. Behind me was a row of bushes, I could hear cars passing behind them. Next to the old houses set slightly back away from them were some newer houses, and next to them a huge field and wooded area. I kind of shuffled myself towards the wooded area and noticed at the end of the short road was a turning leading to the main road which was behind the bushes. Then I kind of found my bearings and knew where I was. Gibb Lane.
I wondered for a moment how I had gotten there? My house was in the same area but it would of took me a good 30 minutes to actually walk to where I was. It was freezing outside, something stupid like minus 15. I had no memories at Gibb Lane, why would I sleep walk all the way here? And how hadn't I woken up? I felt confused and absolutely shattered. I wanted to go home and climb in to bed. I randomly started to walk in the direction of my house. I had a good few miles to travel before I reached my destination and it would take me longer without shoes as my feet were so cold and aware of every little stone that I stepped on. I remember looking out for taxi's all the way but no cars seemed to pass by me. I'd already checked my pockets, I didn't even have my phone so I couldn't ring anyone to come and pick me up.
What seemed like a good hour later I finally arrived at my own front door, frozen and shaking I walked in to the living room to find my girlfriend sat there looking worried. She thought I had come home drunk and wondered off leaving the front door wide open. I went in to overdrive telling her what had just happened. She wouldn't believe it and kept laughing and asking if I was serious.
I was shattered from what had happened that we went to bed not long after. It was around 5:30am that I finally got in bed and fell to sleep!
The next day and the day after that and the day after that I went over and over things in my head. Asking myself the same questions. What had happened? How had I got there?
I wanted to put it all down to sleep walking but I knew this wasn't the case. I researched Gibb Lane on the internet and found something quite interesting.
The lane is on the outskirts of a huge park known as Wythenshawe Park. This of course is supposed to be haunted and there are loads of ghost stories about the park and old hall that sits in the middle of it. However something else caught my eye, apparently a family living on Gibb Lane evacuated their home due to strange paranomal activity going on there. Which house it was it didn't say, but there are around 7 houses on Gibb Lane. Three of them are the older looking ones so I'm guessing it's one of them, one of the houses I was stood in front of when I woke up.
I'm confused as to how I managed to get all the way there and why I actually did? Did I sleep walk or is this part of the missing times I am experiencing?
I checked on Google Maps and did a search for Gibb Lane, Wythenshawe, Manchester, UK. If your interested to see the lane, find the road and drag the little yellow man on to the road where the house are. You will see for yourself what they look like.
I must drive down the main road in front of the houses every day. Every time I do now it makes me feel sick.

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