Wednesday 10 August 2016

Hauntings At Cousin's Place

A little background information: This is a pretty old house from the British Era. Surrounded by a garden on two sides and a ridge on the third. The window about which I would be talking about faces the ridge. A really old ruined castle is nearby which probably has something to do with this.
This thing happened to me a couple of years ago. My cousins were seeing off our family. We had come over our place for a week. It was a real chilly December night and everyone was shivering. Just as the taxi came, I remembered that I had forgotten to take a CD. I went inside to look for it. As I was looking in the cupboard for my CD, I saw a face in the window above. I stood still, and then it gave me an eerie smile I was totally freaked out. I ran out and told everybody what had happened. Nobody believed me and told me that I was seeing things. My cousins told me that they had also encountered the same thing but the grown up's would not believe us (I was 12 at that time).
Another scary thing happened to me in that house. Me and my cousins were alone in the house. I was in the room that faces the ridge. My cousins were in the garden. I was reading, suddenly, I heard someone call my name in a very hoarse voice. I got up and asked them if they were calling me but they hadn't. It still scares me to go into that house...

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