Monday 8 August 2016

Who Has Taken My Abba Cd

This is my second marriage. My first husband died in 1992 and I remarried in 1995. My current husband and I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia. Ever since my first husband passed away I have felt that he is still around;things being moved around, my new husbands photo lying on the carpet in my office and more.
However, I want to relate this incident to you and perhaps somebody could offer an explanation. I awake each morning at 6AM and workout to music in one of the spare bedrooms. Recently, I decided to put on my ABBA CD as I find it extremely stimulating to listen to whilst undergoing my exercise regime). After I had completed the exercise, I turned off the sound equipment and took my little short-haired Lhasa Apso for a walk. The next day, I returned to the room to continue listening to ABBA and discovered there was no sign of the CD. Now, there has been nobody in the house apart from Brian (my husband who, incidentally, is a bit of a sceptic!) and me.
I have searched every CD and all around the room but there is no sign of the ABBA CD. Brian has also endeavoured to find the CD as he would like to prove to me there has been nothing mythical or sinister about this event. But now, ten days later, no CD. The other event is that at night before retiring to her bed, my little Tali (Lhaso Apso) looks in the direction of the room and her tail goes down! Even Brian has noticed this.
I wonder whether any of you have an explanation. Could it be my deceased husband and is he trying to tell me something? Should I talk to him? I am pretty spiritual but have never seen any ghosts. Being a Catholic I should not try to contact the dead but I would like an answer, if there is one...

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