Sunday 31 July 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: JK Rowling says Harry's story is 'done now'

By now, hundreds of readers around the world will have finished Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the eighth part of the Harry Potter saga.
Featuring a middle-aged Boy-Who-Lived, the story not only follows his journey but also that of his son, Albus Severus Potter, and numerous other new characters.
Speaking at the first post-previews enactment of the play at the Palace Theatre, London, author JK Rowling revealed Cursed Child could very well be the last adventure for Harry.
"He goes on a very big journey during these two plays and then, yeah, I think we're done," she told reporters.
"This is the next generation, you know. So, I'm thrilled to see it realised so beautifully but, No, Harry is done now.”

FCMB Bank Manager shoots himself In the head over Bad Loan

A bank manager, who approved a bad loan has shot himself in the head, killing him instantly reports indicate.
The banker, Olisa Nwakoby, killed himself in front of his priest on Friday in the Lekki area of Lagos state.
According to New Telegraph Online, Nwakoby was the approving officer of a loan that the debtor was not paying back and was in trouble with the bank.
With pressure mounting on all sides and apprehension over sullying his family name, the banker and father of a 10-year-old daughter shot himself.
Nwakoby was the son  of Chief Patrick Oguejiofor Nwakoby who was a former chairman of First Bank of Niger Plc, a successful lawyer , politician and a highly respected community leader before his death.
Reports indicate that there was no foul play.
According to New Telegraph Online, the banker had met with his priest and told him to inform his wife to take care of their child and then proceeded to literally blow his brains out.
“It was later discovered that he took money from the bank, N350million and the money started creating problems for him. He killed himself.” said the source.

17 journalists have been remanded in custody at a court in Istanbul

As Turkey continues its purge on press freedom, 17 journalists have been remanded in custody at a court in Istanbul. 
Arrest warrants for dozens of others were issued earlier this week. 
Mahir Zeynalov, a Washington-based correspondent for Today's Zaman, who was exiled from Turkey for his work two years ago, tweeted images of Turkish journalists being arrested on Friday.
This comes as the European Union labelled the crackdown on media in Turkey 'worrying' and warned Ankara to respect fundamental freedoms.
On Monday Turkish authorities issued warrants for the detention of dozens of journalists suspected of links to the alleged organizers of a failed military uprising, intensifying concerns that a sweeping crackdown on alleged coup plotters could target media for any news coverage critical of the government.
While the Turkish government said it is investigating the journalists for possible criminal conduct rather than their reporting, critics warned that a state of emergency imposed after the July 15 coup attempt poses a threat to freedom of expression.
'We fear there will be a witch hunt which would include journalists known as 'critical' against the government. 
'Because they are putting all journalists into one bag,' said Ahmet Abakay, president of the Progressive Journalists' Association, a media group based in the Turkish capital Ankara. 
He said the situation was 'very dangerous for every journalist' and that government warnings to reporters to be careful would lead to self-censorship.
'By rounding up journalists, the government is failing to make a distinction between criminal acts and legitimate criticism,' said Gauri van Gulik, Amnesty International's deputy director for Europe. 
One journalist to be arrested was Busra Erdal, a former columnist and legal reporter for the daily Zaman newspaper, taken over by authorities in March for alleged links to Gulen's movement.
In a series of tweets, Erdal said police raided her house Monday morning and that she would head to the office of state prosecutors in Istanbul to testify. 
She said she had not committed any crime and that the only organization she is affiliated with is the Istanbul Bar Association.  
As a candidate nation for EU membership, Turkey 'needs to aspire to the highest possible democratic standard and practices, including on the freedom of the media,' said EU spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic. 
Kocijancic called it 'worrying that, following the entry into force of the state of emergency in Turkey, arrest warrants have been issued against a large number of journalists and a number of outlets have been shut down.'
More than 13,000 people in the military, judiciary and other institutions have been detained since the uprising, which killed about 290 people.Source:dailymail

13 Inmates Escape Koton Karfe Prison in Kogi State

Thirteen inmates escaped in fresh jailbreak recorded at Koton Karfe prison in Kogi in the early hours of Saturday.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) learned that the incident happened at about 7a.m. when the inmates forcefully brought down the wall of the prison.
The all male prison facility which was inaugurated in 2014 has the capacity to accommodate 180 inmates.  However, NAN gathered that it was accommodating 263 inmates as at the time of the jailbreak, Saturday.
It was also gathered that one of the escaped inmates was re-arrested almost immediately by security agents.
This is the third jailbreak recorded in Koton Karfe as the old prison facility witnessed similar jailbreaks in 2010 and 2013.
In previous jailbreaks 132 inmates escaped from the prison and majority were awaiting trials.
 It was gathered that Comptroller–General of the Nigeria Prison Service immediately sent a representative to Koton Karfe to assess the situation.
The State’s Controller of Prison, Mr Musa Maza, who would have shed more light on the incident, did not pick several calls made to his mobile telephone line.

Four Nigerian Sisters, All Medical Doctors Got Married The Same Day

The four sisters who are all qualified Medical Doctors tied the knot in Jigawa state, Nigeria.
The Doctors, Hauwa, Hajir, Fatima, and Sadiya are daughters of one Alhaji Bade.

Skye Bank Receives N100Bn from CBN

Skye Bank Plc has received over N100bn in liquidity from the Central Bank of Nigeria since July 4 to shore up its operations, its new Managing Director, Mr. Tokunmbo Abiru, has said.
He told reporters on Friday that the CBN staff had been working at the bank for two weeks to support the lender, Reuters reported.
The CBN had said it provided a loan to the lender to boost its liquidity after Skye Bank breached requirements on capital and lending, a development that made the central bank to replace its Board of Directors and management.
The short-term lending facility will allow new management to “ensure that some withdrawals it suffered in the wake of the undue panic of last week do not adversely affect its operations,’’ the Acting Director, Corporate Communications, CBN, Mr. Isaac Okorafor, had said in an emailed response to questions.
He said the CBN had also issued guarantees to the bank’s depositors and creditors as a demonstration of its health.
The CBN had replaced the top managers of the bank earlier.
But while the regulator has moved to calm markets, saying Skye and the industry remained healthy, the bank’s stocks have been plunging to record lows.
The CBN has said it has no plan to sell Skye Bank.
The CBN guarantee will not only enhance Skye Bank’s interbank trading and activities; but will also provide assurance to the other banks to continue to deal with and trade with the bank’s instruments in the interbank market.
Skye Bank recorded a loss of N40.7bn for 2015 financial, which is a drop from N18.7bn profit recorded the previous year.
breaking times

Lebanese Mathematics teacher murdered in Sokoto

The Sokoto State Police Command has confirmed the alleged murder of a Lebanese, Mr Moin Amsuri, a Mathematics Teacher, at the prestigious Nagarta College, Sokoto.
The spokesman of the command, Mr El-Mustapha Sani, made the confirmation in an interview.
”The deceased was suspected to have been killed by gunmen who are right now at large.
”The incident was said to have occurred on Thursday at his residence in Yauri flats, Sokoto, and it was reported to the Gwiwa Police Station on the same day.
”We are suspecting that the assailants were armed robbers as his Toyota car is still missing,” Sani said
The spokesman said the command would not relent until the perpetrators of the nefarious act were fished out and brought to justice.
The funeral prayer of the deceased was conducted on Friday in Sokoto, according to Islamic rites.
It was attended by the Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Bashir Garba, and Deputy Governor, Alhaji Ahmed Aliyu, among other dignitaries.
The late Amsuri, who taught Mathematics in various secondary schools in the state for over three decades, was buried in Sokoto.
The last school where he taught, Nagarta College, is the alma mater of many highly placed Nigerians including second republic President Shehu Shagari and the Premier of the defunct Northern Nigeria, Late Sir Ahamadu Bello.

Fury as Trump mocks Muslim soldier's mother Ghazala Khan

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has attracted outrage by mocking a dead US Muslim soldier's mother.
Ghazala Khan stood silently next to her husband as he attacked Mr Trump in an emotional speech to the Democratic National Convention on Thursday.
Mr Trump suggested she may not have been allowed to speak.
Republicans and Democrats said the Republican candidate's comments were no way to talk of a hero's mother. Mrs Khan said she was upset by his remarks.
Last week her husband Khizr Khan told Democrats Mr Trump had sacrificed "nothing and no-one" for his country.
At the convention in Philadelphia, he said his son would not even have been in America if it had been up to Mr Trump, who has called for a ban on Muslims entering the US.
Humayun Khan was killed by a car bomb in 2004 in Iraq at the age of 27.
Mr Trump responded to the criticism in an interview with ABC's This Week.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, "She had nothing to say... Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
But former president Bill Clinton, the husband of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, said: "I cannot conceive how he can say that about a Gold Star mother."
Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine said Mr Trump's remarks were inappropriate.
"He was kind of trying to turn that into some kind of ridicule," he said, quoted by AP. "It just demonstrates again kind of a temperamental unfitness. If you don't have any more sense of empathy than that, then I'm not sure you can learn it."
Some Republicans also rounded on their candidate.
Ohio Governor John Kasich, a former rival to Mr Trump for the Republican nomination, tweeted: "There's only one way to talk about Gold Star parents: with honour and respect."
In an interview for ABC on Saturday, Ghazala Khan said: "When I was standing there, all of America felt my pain, without a single word. I don't know how he missed that."
"Please Mr Trump, feel that pain and you will be better.
"I was upset when I heard that I didn't say anything because I was in pain."
Khizr Khan said that Mr Trump was "devoid of feeling the pain of a mother who has sacrificed her son".
"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect... a Gold Star mother, shame on him," he said.
"He has no decency, he has a dark heart."
Mrs Khan said on Friday that she did not speak during her husband's speech because she was still overcome with grief and could not look at her son's photos without crying
'Tremendous success'
Mr Trump's campaign issued a statement on Saturday in which he praised Mr Khan's son Humayun.
"Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country and we should honour all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe," he said.
"The real problem here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm."
But Mr Trump rejected Mr Khan's criticism.
"While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr Khan, who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things," he said.
In the ABC interview to be broadcast on Sunday, a transcript of which was released by the Trump campaign, Mr Trump was asked what sacrifices he had made.
"I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures," he said.
"...I've had tremendous success. I think I've done a lot."
The remarks prompted ridicule on Twitter under the hashtag #TrumpSacrifices, with users listing such hardships as flying commercial class and playing on a municipal golf course.

Tokyo 'elects first female governor', projections suggest

Former Japanese defence minister Yuriko Koike has been elected as the Japanese capital's first woman governor, exit polls project.
Public broadcaster NHK and other media forecast Ms Koike as the winner after polls closed at 20:00 (11:00 GMT).
If confirmed, one of her key challenges will be curbing the financial problems plaguing Tokyo's preparations to host the 2020 Olympic Games.
Scandals linked to the Games forced the last two governors to resign.
"I will lead Tokyo politics in an unprecedented manner, a Tokyo you have never seen," Ms Koike, 64, told cheering supporters,
In all, 21 contenders were vying to lead the sprawling capital and a number of other cities in the prefecture.
Ms Koike, politician Hiroya Masuda and journalist Shuntaro Torigoe were the front-runners.
Sunday's election was called after previous governor Yoichi Masuzoe resigned last month following fierce criticism over allegations that he used official funds to pay for holidays, art and comic books for his children.
Mr Masuzoe, who won election promising a scandal-free administration, denied breaking the law, but admitted to ethical lapses around his spending.
His predecessor, Naoki Inose also quit over a funding scandal in 2013, soon after Tokyo won the right to host the Olympics.
Since then Tokyo's preparations for the 2020 Summer Olympics have been hit by scandals, overspending, administrative fumbles and construction delays.
One of the new governor's first duties will be to travel to Rio at the end of the 2016 Olympics in August to accept the Olympic flag as the next host.

Nanny who reportedly broke up Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale's marriage is pregnant

The nanny who busted up Gwen Stefani’s marriage to rocker Gavin Rossdale is pregnant.
Mindy Mann, who reportedly had a three-year affair with Rossdale (including the period when Stefani was pregnant with her youngest child), is expecting a baby boy with her boyfriend and snowboarder Spencer Gutcheon.
pictured is Nanny Mindy Mann and Gavin Rossdale

My Own Ghost

Location:New York United States
In August of my first and short summer in Clayton, New York I had stayed the night over a friends house until I had woken up the next morning at 8am. I had been very sick with the flu for the past couple days. The reason why I was staying with her was because she didn't mind, and began at that point disliking my older brother who was in the United States Coast Guard, because we were living together and he would not allow me to get near him while being sick. I understood, well at that point had no choice since he was putting up the rent on my behalf that month, which with my work ethic wasn't the best thing for me to accept.
Well anyway, when I woke up I had to take Stephanie, the friend who let me stay with her, to a job interview about 30 minutes away in Watertown, New York. On my way there, something weird had happened, my cell phone rang and it was my twin brother, Shaun, (we look nothing alike). I didn't answer given I was driving... But thought it was strange that he was calling seeing as there was hardly a reason he would be contacting me for any reason during that hour in the morning. I had forgotten he was trying to get a hold of me by the time I had gotten her to job interview.
I sat in the car while she was in this gas station (place where the interview was). While I was sitting there I looked for some reason to someone standing by the road, not on it or on a curb, but in the grass about 75 feet to the right side of my car. The guy I was looking at, seemed to have resembled someone familiar. My stomach dropped hard into my gut when I had noticed that he looked just like me in a weird way. I say a weird way because his hair was darker, and he seemed... Um kind of like a different ethnicity, more Latino (darker complexion) and I'm Italian (rather paler then him with yellow undertones). He had hair styled to that of men in the sixties and was wearing a blue vest with a black collar underneath with. I didn't really look at his pants but I know they looked like dark colored slacks. I grabbed my door handle and got out of my car, a black coupe Chevy Cavalier, looked away for just a second to get out, and he was gone.
I looked and walked around the parking lot for a few minutes, then Stephanie came out. I told her what I had seen and who I had seen and she just laughed it off as "everyone has a twin," because she was also a twin just identical to her sister. I got onto my phone and called Shaun back. He answered and said "dude! What the ****!" I asked him why he was so angry and he said " your such a weirdo!" He when on explaining how our other roommate and him were in the kitchen and I had walked in, staring at them, with the phone to "my" ear. Staring with a weird glare and not talking or responding. They asked me what I was doing and I said nothing, just stared. "I" walked into the back room and SLAMMED the door so hard they thought I had broken it.
They said I started talking to someone on the phone very loudly. They both rushed back and noticed I was in my older brother Richard's room. They opened the door and "I" wasn't there anymore, gone! WEIRD AND THE CREEPIEST THING I HAD EVER HEARD, when they explained what "he" was wearing, a blue vest, a black collar, black slacks, and shiny dress shoes. Looked like me they were so convinced until we spoke dramatically about the timeline and facts that night.
I still wonder who it was, or what it was. I'm not scared, but sometimes I feel as if it might of been another life that had mixed with mine by chance... I still have no idea!

Kim Kardashian Cries in Kanye Wests Surprise Video "Wolves"

Art at its finest. Kim Kardashian cries alongside her husband, Kanye West, in his new music video for the track “Wolves” off his Life of Pablo record. The rapper, 38, dropped the six-minute long video unexpectedly on Friday, July 29.

In the black and white video, which features Sia and Vic Mensa, models strut their stuff while decked out in Kimye’s friend Olivier Rousteing’s Balmain designs. Kardashian’s younger sister Kendall Jenner and Rousteing himself also make appearances.
At one point in the video, which was directed by Steven Klein, models caress Kardashian and rub her face and mouth as she stares into the camera. West then appears behind his wife of two years, and the couple has tears running down their faces.
The music video ends with the power couple walking outside a building as paparazzi snap their photo. The duo appear to be wearing the same outfits they wore to the 2016 Met Gala.

“Iconic moment!!! Kanye SNL,” Kardashian gushed on Instagram following his innovative performance at the time.
The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has also recently appeared in Fergie’s new “M.I.L.F. $” video, in which she donned a latex bodysuit.

Cost cutting: Buhari bans conference bags, t-shirts, souvenirs at workshops, seminars

In continuation of the on-going cost-cutting and efficiency drive in the utilization of public funds by President Muhammadu Buhari administration, the Federal Government has banned the procurement and distribution of conference bags, T-shirts and other souvenirs at events and activities such as Conferences, Workshops and Seminars organised and funded by Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
The new measures were approved by President Buhari following recommendations by the Efficiency Unit of the Federal Ministry of Finance, and conveyed to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation and the Ministers of Finance and Budget and National Planning, by the Chief of Staff to the President, Alhaji Abba Kyari, for implementation.
The directive which is a recognition of the fact that in a period of lean financial resources in the face of huge national infrastructural deficit, wasteful and unnecessary expenditure on overheads such as on souvenirs and conference bags were luxuries that the government must eliminate to release funds for infrastructure and services such as health and education that would have direct positive impact on the wellbeing of the citizenry and promote economic development.

Sen Ben Murray Bruce Provides Jobs for 50 Nigerians.

Sen Ben Murray Bruce tweeted this indicating that jobs were being provided for 5o nigerians at the new silverbird mall in Jabi Lake Abuja and 50 more are to come as time goes on.Kudos to him.

Strange Happenings Down On The River

Location;Alabama United States
This is my haunting. My fiancé, his brother and his brother's friend are being attacked, haunted, tormented... Whatever you want to call it; by a malicious and evil spirit. This is a long story, but I really need help... Please read
This story begins about a year and a half ago down on the river. My fiancé "Alex" and his brother "Billy" and their friend "James" hung out almost the entire summer. Billy and James got bored one night and decided to go adventuring. The boys drove down the road and ended up stopping in front of an old empty summer home. Billy and James broke into the house and thus began to wreck havoc. They smashed furniture and electronics and broke windows and doors. James even went as far as to have sex on many of the beds. They made a crude Ouija board and tried to work it. They never stopped to think of what might be living there that they couldn't see.
Well after about two weeks the boys got bored and left the house alone. They forgot all about it... But the house didn't forget them.
One day Billy got bored and went out for a drive, he decided to drive past the abandoned home and see if anybody had found the vandalism yet. As he cruised by, Billy locked eyes with a pale little girl with eyes as black as coal. Billy felt a weird tingling and quickly turned the truck around and went home. His room wasn't quite the same after that...
He began hearing bumps and groans in the night and early morning, and he'd see things out of the corner of his eyes. Things would become displaced, his iPod malfunctioned and died. Billy became disturbed and he begged Alex and James to go back up to the house with him to see if the girl was there. They agreed and they drove up there that night, when they arrived the house was empty as usual. James and Billy went exploring in the house while Alex sat in the driveway. Well of course the younger boys found something to wreck and they came out playing with a fire extinguisher. Eventually they became bored and left, leaving the fire extinguisher in the yard.
Arriving home the boys went out to Alex's remodeled porch/bedroom to hang out. A couple of minutes later, Alex complained of sharp pains in his back, James said his stomach was hurting. They went to the bathroom to investigate. Alex pulled up his shirt to look and Billy and James gasped... There were long bloody scratches down his back. James quickly pulled up his and found red hand prints across his abdomen. Neither could explain. They never went back to the house.
One day I asked to go and we drove up there at about eight at night and I had brought my camera. The house was well lit by a street light and I had hoped for some great shots. I began to snap pictures rapidly... But the house wouldn't show up. Not event the glare off of the street lights, all I got was a black picture and weird orbs floating next to where the house should be in the pictures... We were all scared then.
That was the beginning...
Five months passed by quietly... A few bumps in the night here and there nothing major. Things picked up again when we were home alone one night. We all sat in Billy's room and it was about eleven. We had turned out all the lights and we were all lying on the bed talking. All the sudden there was a loud BANG! It made us jump and we rushed out of the bedroom into the living area, there we found a FED-EX box fifteen feet from where it was laid originally and all the doors were open and all the lights on. We ran outside and sat in the car until it was time for me to return home.
Things got quiet again... But not too quiet, things still moved and there were doors flying open at two in the morning and blinking electricity. We didn't think much about it.
Alex and Billy got the idea to try to record voices one night. They lit a candle and began to record. It was about two in the morning. They asked random question and pretty much made a joke out of it. Alex reached over from his easy chair to hand Billy the recorder when he said an invisible force slammed his head down onto the coffee table. The boys became scared and ran to Billy's room. They sat in the middle of the bed and said they heard laughing and it sounded like heavy foot steps running all through the house. The boys slept in the same room that night. When they woke up Billy's closet doorknob was about torn clean off.
This is the part where things have been getting weird lately. Billy saw a something in his pantry, it was white and transparent and when it turned to look at him, it was an old woman with no eyes and an open mouth. I have been receiving text messages from their dead great-grandmother, Vera. I've never met her and I do know her spirit dwells in the house; I have seen her. She sends me texts at the same time every night, and this started about three days ago. She usually sends them about three every morning.
The first one said "Vera guard gone solider lonely pain" and then the second one said "Boys will suffer for lengths warn listen" "protect please" and the final one, that I received this morning said "emotion stress weaken strengthen suicide" I had no idea what to make of all this and I finally got the guts to text back and I said "why me? How do I protect" she replied "no" six times and then I replied "why me?" she sent me the last text I've received so far "you love him and family". The weird part is that they are coming from Alex's phone, but none show up on his phone and we even pulled up the records and they aren't there either. I don't know how to react to all of this and I would like help.
Thank you for reading...

Olympic chief sacked for chaos in the 'unsafe' athletes' village (but mayor blames the problems on foreigners)

The head of the athletes’ village in Rio de Janeiro has reportedly been fired after the Olympic apartments were branded uninhabitable.

Mario Cilenti, 46, was reportedly removed from his post after claims that competitors arrived to scenes of chaos at the 3,600-flat complex.
Although the British rooms are said to be better than most, Team GB organisers still had to draft in cleaners to work around the clock before athletes could move in.
In some buildings water streamed through holes in the roof and there was faulty wiring. Elsewhere beds and toilet fixtures had been stolen.
Hockey players were the first Britons to arrive and they praised the last-minute clean-up. Goalkeeper Maddie Hinch tweeted: ‘Huge shout out to Team GB for all their hard work on our accommodation – it really does feels like home.’
Rio mayor Eduardo Paes blamed ‘foreigners’ for the disastrous village opening – saying Argentinian Mr Cilenti and other members of the Olympic organising committee, some of whom were from Britain, had ‘messed up’.
He added: ‘The athletes’ village was ready. Then the organising committee took charge for three months and there were extremely serious management problems. 
'During those three months people intruded into the apartments and a lot of things were stolen.’
Brazilian media reported Mr Cilenti and several key staff members had been fired while others from the team had quit. A Rio 2016 spokesman refused to comment.
The Australian team had found problems with gas, electricity and plumbing when they arrived, and initially stayed in hotels. Team chief Kitty Chiller said the village was ‘simply not safe or ready’.
Belarus’s team branded conditions ‘unsanitary’. Workers were still putting the finishing touches to the Olympic Park yesterday ahead of Friday’s opening ceremony.
There were also questions over security as the contract for hiring and training private security workers to screen for weapons was awarded just weeks ago. 
There were concerns that many jobs went to people with no security experience and little training but numbers have already been bolstered by soldiers.

Buhari Approves New Appointments In Health Institutions

President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the appointment of heads of five strategic health institutions in the country.

In a statement issued by the Director of Press and Public Relations in Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr Bolaji Adebiyi, the new head of the Centre for Disease Control is the Managing Partner of EpiAfric, a public health consultancy firm that focuses on Africa, Dr. Chikwe Andreas Ihekweazu. He takes over from Prof. Abdulsalami Nasidi.
Dr. Sani Aliyu, a consultant in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at Cambridge University, U.K. is the new head of the National Agency for the Control of Aids. He takes over from Prof. John Idoko.
The President also appointed Prof. Babatunde Salako as the head of the Nigerian Institute for Medical Research. He was the Provost, College of Medicine at the University of Ibadan before his new appointment. He takes over from Prof. Innocent Ujah.
A professor of Paediatrics and Public Health at the University of Nevada, in the United States, Prof. Echezona Ezeanolue was appointed the new Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency. He replaced Doctor Mohammed Ado.
The National Health Insurance Scheme is now headed by Prof. Usman Yusuf, who until his appointment, was a professor of Paediatrics at St. Jude Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee in the United States. He replaced Mr Olufemi Akingbade, who was in acting capacity.
All appointments, according to the statement, takes immediate effect.

Ian Somerhalder, Nikki Reed “Divorce” Report False

Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed are not headed for divorce because Nina Dobrev may return to “The Vampire Diaries,” despite a baseless report. Gossip Cop can bust the ridiculous story.
“Ian Somerhalder Divorce: Nina Dobrev Season 8 The Vampire Diaries Return Strains Marriage To Nikki Reed?” asks Celeb Dirty Laundry in a headline. While it remains to be seen if Dobrev will make an appearance on the show’s upcoming final season, the site claims, “The only one who doesn’t want a steamy reunion of ‘The Vampire Diaries’ co-stars” is Reed.
The story continues, “Nikki and Ian are having marital problems, according to recent reports. If Nina does return for the final season of TVD, and there is a lot of conflicting information about whether she will or not, it could signal the end of Nikki and Ian’s marriage.” But rather than citing any actual sources, the outlet points to the above photo, which Somerhalder posted on Instagram a few days ago after Comic-Con.

The actor included a sweet caption, in which he wrote, “Thanks brother man for snapping this awesome symbolic shot of my better half and me. Wow, 3rd comic con with this human! My ‘Wifey’ aka my badass-life partner. Thanks for starting our production company with me and making all of my crazy dreams a reality. I can’t wait to produce some powerful and beautiful art with you which will one day be debuted right here.”
It’s an adoring message that actually goes to show how strong Somerhalder and Reed’s marriage is. But not according to CDL, which, in a massive reach, argues, “What Ian wrote with the photo should be a dead giveaway the actor’s marriage to Nikki is nearing an end… Why put wifey in quotations marks and call Nikki a bada**-life partner? Ian could have written wife and life partner, but that’s a bit redundant. Why not just write amazing wife?”
The webloid also adds, “Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder building a production company is no guarantee the couple won’t divorce. Nina Dobrev returning for season 8 of ‘The Vampire Diaries’? That just might be a deal breaker.” But this is all silly speculation.
It’s Celeb Dirty Laundry that has been spreading the aforementioned “marital problem” reports. In fact, Gossip Cop called out the blog earlier this month for falsely claiming Reed was worried about potential Somerhalder-Dobrev love scenes. That, too, was a speculative and source-less story.
There is no love triangle. There is no potential divorce. And this manufactured drama is more befitting of a TV plot line than real life.

Bobby Brown and wife Alicia show off newborn baby

According to a birth certificate obtained by TMZ, the couple have named their little girl Hendrix Estelle Sheba Brown. Hendrix was born on July 21 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and Bobby announced the arrival with a message that read: ‘Just had a baby girl 10 pounds.’  

Islamic State attacks two energy plants in north Iraq, kills five

Islamic State militants stormed two energy facilities in northern Iraq on Sunday, killing at least five workers and shutting down a major oil pumping station, security and oil sources said.
The first attack, on the AB2 gas compressor station, about 15 km (10 miles) northwest of Kirkuk, started around 0300 (0000 GMT) when four gunmen with hand grenades broke through an external door in an attack that left two guards in critical condition.
They then shot dead four employees in a control room inside and planted explosives charges, around five of which went off, the sources said.
Forces from the elite counter-terrorism service stormed the facility, regained control and freed 15 other employees who had hidden in a separate room.
Security sources believe the attackers escaped to the Bai Hassan oil station, 25 km further northwest, the sources said.
There they launched a similar attack, one detonating his explosive vest at an external gate to allow the others to enter. Once inside the facility, two more assailants set off their explosive vests, destroying an oil storage tank.
The fourth assailant was later killed in clashes with security forces. An oil engineer was also killed and six policemen were wounded, security sources said.
The attack forced the suspension of activity at an oil station which had been pumping 55,000 barrels per day to the northern Kurdish region, oil sources said.
It was not clear when operations would return to normal. Kurdish peshmerga forces, which have controlled Kirkuk and surrounding areas for two years, were searching nearby villages for militants suspected of involvement in the attacks.
Amaq news agency, which supports Islamic State, said in a message distributed online that Islamic State fighters had stormed the Bai Hassan facility, but made no mention of the earlier attack.
The group has previously targeted oil facilities in the area with explosives, repeatedly targeting oil wells at Khabbaz oilfield southwest of Kirkuk.
The militants, who seized a third of the OPEC producer's territory in 2014, have lost many areas to an array of Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led coalition air strikes but still control the northern city of Mosul, their de facto capital in Iraq.

Multiple victims in Texas shootings

One person is dead and four others have been hospitalised after two separate shooting incidents in the Texan city of Austin, police say.
Both crime scenes are now secure, Austin police say, after earlier reporting an "active shooter incident".
The shootings happened in the city's entertainment district.
Videos from the scene show a person on the ground outside a bar, surrounded by police, while officers on horseback push back a number of onlookers.
 Police said in a briefing streamed online that one incident began at a bar around 02:17 local time (08:17 GMT) with a "disturbance between individuals" and that the suspect then began firing a weapon into the crowd.
A woman believed to be in her 20s was pronounced dead at the scene, while three other women in their 30s were taken to hospital with serious but not life-threatening injuries, police said.
The gunman is still at large, police said as they appealed for any video footage of the incident and its aftermath.
In the second incident only a few blocks from the first, shots were fired at a parking garage and a man in his 20s, was subsequently hospitalised after what police said was "an assault".
He is believed to be the person that fired the shots in that incident, police said.
Police said the proximity of the incidents had initially led them to think they were "dealing with an active shooter incident".