Wednesday 27 July 2016

Very Haunted School In Hamilton, Ontario, Candada

Last year (2010) I was walking to my friends house at a very late hour around 2:30am. Now my friend lives a block away from the abandoned school.
As I am walking to his house I pass the school finding my friend sitting on the steps, listening carefully. I ask him "what's going on here man"? He replies, "dude... Listen to the ******* noise's coming from the school"! And what he was hearing was extremely disturbing for a place where there were no people at all.
We heard things being moved (dragged) around all over the school, including knocks and scratching. We also saw some chairs and desks moving around as we looked in some of the windows.
The two of us felt so uneasy being around the area and nothing would prepare me for what I saw next. My friend was looking in another window and I went to glance at another; where I found myself shivering in fear at the sight a little girl in the window. I stared at her for a solid 3 seconds before she vanished into thin air. She had pure black eyes, a pale complexion, emotionless expression, and no "nose" visible on her face.
After seeing this I started walking away towards my friends house, tear's running down my face. He followed me asking "what was wrong"? And I told him. I could not even look at the school for a while after that experience. And still to this day I always avoid walking that way. I have never been so terrified in my life and it has changed me so much. This is a true story and I thank you for taking the time to read this

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