Tuesday 26 July 2016

Mandy's Home -3

Location:United Kingdom
Right I hope you have read parts one and two of this story. If not this won't make any sense at all so please back track
Mandy and I broke up at the end of that summer my fault with me refusing to go to her home, dot even wrote to me asking to come by but I politely refused to go I was not going to be attacked again. I did meet Michael in there street to say sorry for falling on him and for running out without checking he was ok, unfortunately he did cut his head a bit just above his right eye but not too badly.
Now we jump forward 7 years.
I was living at my mum's place waiting to get my own place, one of my brother's (Dave) was living across the road with his girlfriend (Lesley), we would get together watch movies have a few drinks and just chill. One day I popped over and Lesley's niece Becky was there with her new boyfriend who at the time was looking for somewhere to rent a room having fallen out with his mum. While the boyfriend was asking if he could rent a room off my brother I chatted with Becky in the hall. "You will love spike he is short but hunky" Becky said just then this guy walked in to the hall we both looked at each other nothing was said and he went back into the living room. I felt very strongly that I knew the guy from somewhere but was not sure where, then it hit me. Spike was Michael. Small world! We got chatting and had a laugh about the things that had happened at his home 7 years back, the cold spots, Mandy's bedroom door and how much he annoyed me back then. "look here" he said lifting his hair up he had gotten a scar from the "fall" I felt so guilty and had to tell him the truth "I'm not that surprised Fred could get real moody" spike said (the nickname everyone uses now don't know how he got it though.
Eventually I got my own flat and things at Dave's were not good for spike so I invited him to come live at mine he jumped at the chance. "I got to get some more stuff from home could you please come and see mum to keep her off my back" he asked me one day, I felt sick at the thought of entering that house again but I was trying to help spike get himself sorted out (he would pop any pill he could get his hands on and smoked weed). I reluctantly agreed to go with him. Walking back into that house was one of the worst things I have ever experienced I felt sick, I was sweating, and I was shaking all over.
The place had not changed one bit, the "best room" looked like it had the day I left and still felt colder than outside, dot had changed a lot, she had started drinking 5 years before and was on a half-bottle of vodka a day if not a full one. She did recognise me as soon as I walked in and she sat there and cried saying how angry she was that Fred had kept me away for all those years (I had told Mandy who told dot) my heart broke I sat with her for 3 hours talking about me and what I had done those past 7 years and she made me promise her to visit again, I did promise but said I would not go upstairs just stay in the living room.
This arrangement worked for a while spike and his mum started to "build bridges" and dot cut down on the drinking but did not fully stop, all was going well until spike asked me to fetch something from his old bedroom, he and dot were having a heart to heart at the time and it was the last thing to come out of the house of spikes so I thought just one trip up stairs that's it then done, so I agreed to go up. As I walked up the stairs I kept having to tell myself not to run out again panicking, it was real hard not to. I felt the old chill at the top of the stairs but rushed by down the landing to Michael's room. As I entered I realised I had never been in there before and took a good look round. Suddenly I got a headache like I had never felt before it was like my skull was exploding, I had to sit on the bed to stop myself falling over, then the pain really started all my arms and legs suddenly cramped up I could not move at all, even trying to open my hand was agony every muscle was on fire I admit I screamed like a little girl that had grazed a knee. Spike and dot came into the room after what felt like hours but only 10 minutes to see where I was, they had not heard me scream or anything even though the bedroom was above the living room. As soon as they walked in the cramps stopped and I managed to get up off the bed (the headache stayed for 3 days after).
"I got to leave now Fred is at it again" I told them both but dot told me Fred had not been there for at least 5 years and it could not have been him, she helped me down stairs and gave me some painkillers. When I told them what had happened spike said "must have been the guys in the loft". I suddenly felt very angry and shouted "what f****ing guys in the loft?" dot told me that before she got the house two brothers lived there one had a muscle wasting disease that was slowly killing him the brothers decided enough was enough and hung themselves at the top if the stairs through the loft hatch.
That was that I said I was sorry to dot but there was no way I was ever going to come back she was welcome to come to my place whenever she wanted but I would never return. I left and never went back. That was almost 16 years ago now. Spike lived with me for a while but eventually got a girlfriend and is still with her to day he is drug free and a dad to 2 great kids
Mandy is married and has a teenage daughter, dot stopped drinking and left the house 6 years ago when she met a man she fell in love with sadly she passed away 3 years ago.
I have never been back to the street or the house and I have no idea if anything is still happening at Mandy's home.

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