Sunday 31 July 2016

August Ritual 2011

I thought it was time to come back here and share another story with you all. My mother died in August 2009 from cancer and since that time, my mother has been back to see me on a number of occasions.
In August 2010 and some of the months prior, I had some of the most amazing and profound spiritual experiences and most of them are well documented here in my previous stories and some of those memories and interactions are ones I'll cherish until the day I die. Last year as August was approaching, I had one account a little different to most of my other stories and something I believe you may find interesting and hope you enjoy reading.
It was only days before August and I had retired myself to sleep, soon after my wife had joined me and both of us were resting as the night had settled in.
It was around 10pm the first time I was awoken from my sleep to see as what I can only describe as an aura of a person walking around our room. I remember feeling quite content and relaxed about this person who presented themself with an aura of light and from previous experiences, I have learned it's better to fear not. Although I couldn't make out for sure if this aura of light was my mother, my gut instinct was telling me it was and from the first time I'd awoke, until the last time which was around 1am, I had drifted back off to sleep to be woken again perhaps 9 times during this whole three hour visit!.
I do believe my mother was by my side all this time and perhaps in earnest trying to connect with me at a point where subconsciously we could talk like we did in the previous year!. I can't remember what exactly happened each time I awoke over this period of time, nor will I bore you with all the details of every exact thing I can remember. I do remember just kind of surrendering myself to the experience if that makes any sense? I do remember on one of these occasions, I felt my mother hold my hand which was hanging off my bed and lift it up with my arm to rest it on my chest, as I guess you would expect a mother to do for her child who perhaps was sleeping a little uncoordinated. Perhaps this caring gesture was a vindication of her presence?
Here's the part you may find interesting! During this whole experience and unique as it was from the sense I have never had such interactions with a spiritual visitor over the period I did, my wife had been woken up out of her sleep on at least four of these occasions, in almost exact sequence of me being able to see and sense my mother's presence in our room... On each of these occasions, my wife who perhaps was a little panicky about the disturbance asked me, did you hear that? I have to admit, at the time in order to keep her calm, with a reassuring tone I'd replied..." no, no one's there, it's all right go back to sleep". This dual awakening happened at least three times with me basically saying the same thing, "it's OK! Go back to sleep", until the final time! On the last occasion, the soap holder had fallen off our sink in the bathroom ensuite! With no other possibility beyond being bumped off... Or pushed off!
My wife jumped out of our bed and said to me, "you must of heard that!" I remember confessing to my wife, "don't worry about it, they won't hurt you" and at this point of time, my wife who had worked out what was going on basically said to me,"stop calling them Darren... Stop calling them". Understandably frightened by the interactions between my mother and I, it was time to disconnect.
I believe my mother would have not felt comfortable herself knowing my wife was a little upset and that would have prompted her to move on without a doubt and once again, I should apologize to my wife for keeping the truth at a length from her for as long as I did, as I was calm and willing enough on a spiritual level to ride it out for as long as I could.

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