Wednesday 27 July 2016

Protective Spirit?

Location:Ohio United States
In my previous story I mentioned that my daughter spooked me when she was about 8 years old by telling me she was having nightmares about things that sounded a lot like things I had been seeing that I suspected were some kind of apparitions. I empowered a dream catcher to keep things away from her and the nightmares stopped. She moved into a shared apartment for college just under 2 weeks ago and did not take the dream catcher with her. She has not seen any shadows, but something else unusual has been spotted.
Over the past ten years I have on occasion seen a shadow near her door that looked like a dog. I jokingly called it her guard dog, but in all honesty assumed it was a shadow of something that the angle of light was making look dog-ish. So many things that seem paranormal turn out to have an ordinary explanation, and I probably only saw it half a dozen times so though I teased I never took the idea seriously. But when I was asking her about seeing shadows she told me that one of her roommates saw something the second night they were there.
She said she had walked past my daughter's closed bedroom door going to the bathroom when she saw a dog stand up as if it had been lying in front of the door. She stopped, thinking "nobody here has a dog," and suddenly it was gone. She laughingly asked my daughter if she had smuggled in a pet the next morning. Later that day one of the guys in the apartment next to them told them he thought someone in one of the apartments had a dog, even though the complex does not allow them, because he had heard growling the night before.
I can't help but feel the coincidences are piling up here. The strangest thing is that we have never owned a dog. My daughter loves all animals, in fact she is going to school for wildlife conservation, but we have always lived in town so we have only had cats for pets. The only theory I can come up with is that she somehow projects a protective energy in her sleep that takes the form of a dog. But that seems kind of "out there" to me so I would love to hear alternate theories, or anything that could explain these strange sightings.

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