Wednesday 27 July 2016

First Time Being Haunted

Location:Idaho United States
My first major ghostly experience happened when I was about 13. Before this I have had a few odd things happen here and there, but this was different.
We moved into our house when I was probably about 10 years old. The house felt oddly devoid of feeling, and strangely unwelcoming. I'd never experienced a proper move until then, so I figured all houses felt this way and got on with my life.
A couple years into moving here my family changed. Everyone was always furious, and bad things kept happening to us. We'd been living there for probably 3 years by the time the activity noticeably started.
One night my mom and brother got into one of their usual fights. I could literally feel the tension and anger in the air it was so thick. I'd gone to bed early, mainly because I was tired of their bickering and just wanted to escape it any way possible. I couldn't sleep though, and felt uneasy. I was listening to my radio and staring up at my ceiling. Suddenly the feeling of being watched worsened, and at the same time my radio gradually started turning up until it was deafeningly loud. My small fan was adjusting speeds as well. This didn't bother me, so I just turned it off and fell asleep. The next morning when I told my mother on the way to school she said my oldest brother had experienced something like that too. She suggested that it might be a ghost, so naturally I freaked out.
After that I always felt someone watching me. A couple times I would see the silhouette of a tall man standing by my door, or outside my room in the hall. He looked like someone's shadow, and just stood there. I couldn't sleep at night. I could feel the man watching me, and occasionally I could feel him touching my feet and legs. He'd make terrible sounds, and my bed would shake. It felt like a vibration sort of, but it was strong, and hard to ignore.
One time when I told my cousin about him when she was spending the night, she mocked him. After she did so the light turned on, and she didn't bad mouth him again after that.
Eventually I had to sleep out in the living room on the couch. My dog sleeps out there (she's a Beauceron mix) and he didn't mess with me while she was around.
One morning my mom was at the computer, and I was trying to fall back asleep on the couch. It was bright, and at the point I could only sleep during the day. Out of nowhere I felt like I was being crushed. I felt a powerful wind hitting me, and I couldn't move. I remember trying to scream for my mom, but my voice wouldn't work. I remember there being a bright light shining in the distance, even though I was looking out into my living room. When it went away my mouth felt like I'd blown up too many balloons. I wasn't scared surprisingly, and actually fell asleep shortly after.
The shadow man left me alone after that, and eventually he went away. I have no idea where he went, but he's not here anymore. During the month it went on it was like a living nightmare. It doesn't bother me anymore, probably since I've had my share of ghostly experiences after that.
But if you have any ideas about what the wind and light was about, I'd like to hear from you. Thank you for reading!

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