Friday 29 July 2016

Knock, Knock

Location:Maryland United States
I've been a member on this site for a couple of years now but this is my first story on here. This just happened to me and my brother's girlfriend a little over an hour ago, so about 9:30 PM.
I need to give you a little layout of the upstairs in my house. You come up the steps from the living room and straight ahead is the attic/playroom, turn a small corner and on the right is my room and the left is my brother and his girlfriend's room.
Now moving on. I was in my room on my computer, my brother's girlfriend was in her room and my brother had just went downstairs to use the bathroom. I had my door shut but I could hear our dog Autumn growling at something and I kept hearing a knocking sound. I hear my brother's girlfriend, we'll call her Rose, telling something to stop it. I assumed she was talking to the other dog Alex, since Alex likes to torment Autumn, and I also assumed it was Alex making the knocking sound. So I went back to my computer.
About 5 minutes later I hear my brother come up the steps and I hear Rose talking to him asking him why he kept playing around and knocking and making the dog growl. That peaked my interest and I walked out to verify that she also heard the knocking. She said yeah, she was in her room and she heard the knocking and heard Autumn growling and thought it was my brother. She looked out in the hall and kept telling my brother to stop. But when she looked out she didn't see him but she did see Autumn standing in front of the open door to the attic/playroom. She was about to check it out when she heard the knock again and decided to stay in her room.
I told her I heard the same thing and thought that it was Alex but my brother confirmed that Alex was downstairs with him. So not only was something messing with the dog, Rose talked to it because she thought it was my brother. My brother thinks we are nuts but I know what I heard.
Thank you for listening to my story. Comments are welcome. I have more stories to post but will post them at a later time.

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