Tuesday 26 July 2016

Bold Return Of Unwanted Company

Location:United Kingdom
I am going to share with you all yet another one of my Sleep Paralysis experiences. Just a few weeks ago I wrote about Possible Poltergeist Activity when I returned to an unexplained messed up bedroom. I still haven't figured out what has caused this and I thank anyone who commented on this story. I googled my house but could not find any history about the land.
Just last night, I was tired but having trouble getting off to sleep. I actually felt frustrated with myself for not being able to doze off as I had been very tired all day. After much tossing and turning, an overwhelming fear came over me. I immediately knew I was going to suffer from the usual symptoms of Sleep Paralysis. I have taught myself how to deal with this -take deep breaths, think happy thoughts. I even began to sing to myself. This was not helping to alleviate the great sense of fear I had. Then all of a sudden, I started to feel shivers up and down my spine. It was not cold last night as we have hit Spring time here and the weather has been very mild. In fact, today all of my work colleagues were commenting on how warm it was last night. At the time, I passed this feeling off, thinking I might be coming down with flu or something. Then what happened next really frightened me.
I heard footsteps running fast up the stairs (everyone was in bed and we have no kids/animals in our house). It was very late at night. I was not asleep but my eyes were still closed (I was too scared to open them) but my heart racing. The fast, thudding footsteps stopped outside my bedroom door. I lay there scared that my door was going to open but it didn't. There were a few minutes of silence and I think I must have dozed off at this point. Then I heard a voice ask me boldly inside my head, "Are you not happy sleeping here?". I was taken aback and answered it back inside my head, "what sort of question is that?!" I thought it was being rude to me. This was my God damn room after all and it had no business interrupting my sleep. I laugh to myself when I think back on this bit now. It didn't answer me. I can't remember if the voice was male or female but it sounded so distinct and clear. I then fell asleep but woke again to feel something heavy lying on top of me. I clearly remember kicking my legs up to try and get it off as if fighting with an invisible force. I also experienced more OBEs when I tried to get back to sleep. I felt myself project forwards out of my body even though I was lying on my side at this stage. I know this will sound scary but I could feel myself stop breathing as if I was dying. I was just thinking to myself - "this is it". I felt like I was giving up the fight against whatever it was. I didn't see any "visions" during this episode of SP. I had my eyes closed the whole time as one time before I saw a figure and an evil face when I did have the courage to see what was happening.
When I woke this morning, I felt very disturbed by what had happened and couldn't stop thinking about it all day. I really hope the same thing doesn't happen tonight. I am just wondering if my last "Poltergeist" story and the Sleep Paralysis experiences are in some way connected. Your opinions would be very much appreciated in this matter.

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