Wednesday 27 July 2016

Ghost In Our House

Location:United Kingdom
Hello, I randomly came across this site and thought I'd share my own personal experience. I never beleived that ghosts were real, I'd never experienced anything before. My family moved into a new bigger house around 4 years ago, now I do believe in ghosts.
It started around 3 years ago. As I laid in bed, I'd hear footsteps walk into my room on the wood floor right up next to me (my bed was at the other end of the room) and back again. This happened almost every night. I told my mother about it and she didn't really take much notice. So in my mind I blamed the pipework or anything I could think of but knew, really, that it was something beyond that. It always felt like someone was watching me. I used to face the wall and put the covers over my head until I fell asleep and just cancled out the noise.
I convinced my mother to move me to the front room downstairs. It seemed fine; no footsteps or any noises at all. I have a husky (bigger then the average husky) which slept at the bottom of my bed every night. I got woken up in the middle of the night, as my bed seemed to be shaking. I assumed it was my dog scratching its ear or something because of his size. I sat up and the dog was asleep! I then faced the wall completley terrified, I couldn't even move (would like to know what other people would do in that situation). It stopped after around 2 minutes I still remember telling my mother, "my bed was rocking last night on its own" and she replied and I quote, "Oh did it love". But my sister was hearing footsteps in my old room like I was and she felt like someone was watching her, too, so was suprised she didn't seem to believe me.
Not long after my mother heard voices in her room when my baby sister was crying during the night. "Be Quiet" was repeated on different occasions. Then my dad, who thought we were all basically being stupid because he was a bouncer and was pretty "tough", heard this voice whisper to him which my mother also heard. He jumped up and checked under the bed and to see if the window was open (it wasnt).
We then got a psychic in and she told us to remove our front door knocker (an old fox knocker, quite a scarey knocker...) and put signs up all around the house which we did. We never heard anything since.
Its not the best story as I'm not the best at describing things, but now I do know they are real and can honestly say I was terrified.
Thank you for reading.

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