Friday 29 July 2016

The Demon Of My House

Location:California United States
My name is Ryan, and I am 20 years old. My first encounter with a spirit was when I was the age of 7, and my sister was right there with me. The incident I am going to talk about... Well I should say incidents, since there are a lot, but I'll list only 4 to keep it short.
1) This is my first encounter since I was 5. Now, I remember when I was going to bed, I was the most tired I have been in a very long time. This was unusual, considering I was begin a lazy-ass for about the past 3 weeks prior. Stress and depression has been building up during these weeks, and it was literally draining my energy. I started becoming fatigued more easily, and eventually it started becoming harder for me to wake up early. Eventually I started waking up at noon, and that's not even the start. During all this time, I am noticing my memory has been getting worse and worse, mainly with short-term parts. I felt paranoia everywhere I went. I talked to my mom, and she said possibly a mental illness, but I don't hear voices. So as I lay in bed, I think... Think... Think... Until BOOM! All of a sudden my eyes pop wide open. I don't remember falling asleep, but I have now awaken. During the time my eyes are opening, I have a feeling in my body, I wouldn't call it adrenaline, but "fear mixed with awareness." As they are opening, and as my body has these waves of uneasiness, I am noticing that what I am looking at is in fact a blacker-than-black thing just standing there at my bed side... Staring at me. I was speechless. I instantly flipped over to my other side, while curling up in the fetal position with my eyes slammed shut. My heart beat was racing like it never has before... Until... It happened. I could literally feel my soul being dragged out from my back. I felt like my mind was getting further away my body, I wouldn't say it hurt per-say, but it was very, VERY uncomfortable, until I hear this pop in my ear. It wasn't loud, it wasn't quiet, it was just there. The moment I heard it, everything stopped, and I lay there asking myself "Am I dreaming?!" Now, keep in mind that in "real-time" it has been about maybe one-minute MAX, but in "my-time" it felt like a half hour. Once my heart beat was normal, and my breathing was slower... I lay there crying. I don't remember falling back asleep, but I remember waking the next morning, and found on Google's search engine a few articles about "Shadow Beings" and "Sleep Paralysis." All my family have said it was just a sleep paralysis ordeal, however, I don't think they fully understood the FACT that I was able to turn my entire body over, while curling it up into a ball, WHILE pulling the blanket over my head... Paralysis doesn't allow you to move.

2) Its been about a week now, and I had just came back home after driving my buddy "C" to work. Its about 8 in the morning, and I go upstairs and crawl into bed thinking to myself "Time to finally go back to sleep" I lay there, and lay there... And lay there. About 10 minutes swing by, and I am still awake, just staring into the now swooshing colors behind my eyelids. I haven't seen these swirl effects in a while, so I lay there just watching, hoping to get tired in the process. Then out of nowhere I feel my chest being pushed, and my entire body starts getting crammed into my bed. Deeper, and deeper, and deeper I go. During this stage, I remember hearing something. It wasn't laughing, it wasn't talking, it was more like random noises... More then one noise, and they were blurred together into one noise. It was really creepy. In my head I yell out "GO AWAY!" and I felt the relief the moment I thought that thought. I slowly sit up, look around the room, and see nothing. I turn over onto my stomach, remembering the article about how sleep paralysis is from laying on your back. I lay there, and right when I notice myself drooling on the pillow, I feel that eerie feeling again. I lay there scarred, scarred of what might actually be there. I ask in my head "Lord Darkness?" and the feeling gets even worse! When the pressure was too intense, I told it to leave but it wouldn't. Next, I demanded it to leave and it did.
I have told 2 of my 3 friends what happened. One of them said it was a demon, and he had a similar experience. The other told me it was maybe an angered energy. I considered both, asked myself what I might have done, any sins I might have committed, but I couldn't think of any.
3) Its another night. Been about 2 weeks without any spirit trouble. I go to bed like normal, only this night I took 2 pain-killers to help me pass-out. I don't know the strength, but they are the ones given to you for after a dentist goes in your mouth, and rips out your wisdom teeth for no reason. I pop one, sit there for about an hour playing my PS2, pop the next one and go crawl into my covers. I lay there in silence, hoping to wake up and get some chores done. Around a half hour later, I felt my body jolt. It felt like something pushed my chest in for about half a second, with some force mind-you, because it made my whole body jump. I take off the blind fold, nothing looks unusual, so I go back to sleep and tell myself it was only a hypnotic jerk, or whatever those are called. But then a few hours later, I awaken from my dream, and feel my leg having a falling sensation. During this sensation, I felt it, and HEARD it land on my hollow-metal frame, making an echoing noise through out the bar. I ask myself why my leg was in the air, and more importantly... HOW DID IT GET UP THERE?! I let about 20 minutes pass, so I can get some water, calm down, and get back into my peaceful state of mind. I then awake for a third time from a push. YES, a push. Something, I'm assuming it was the same black entity / creature / inter-dimensional-what-ever, because I was laying on my side, and I felt something literally push my hip, causing my body to flip over onto my stomach. I stayed awake until morning and still have yet to tell anyone in person.
I know we aren't supposed to talk about dreams here, but please, forgive me, it IS relevant. To me at least. Before I mention the dream, I should state that I have been in a state of mind now for a while that is not easy to explain. DeJaVu happens everyday, and every dream seems more real and more intense (sense wise) ... Its almost like my dreams are real, but in my mind? I don't know how else to explain it, but when I dream, it's almost like its just another day of life.
4) Anyways, I am posting this because I don't know if it was dream or not.
I am laying there, with my blind fold on. (I wear one at night to help me sleep better, and so I don't have to wake up and see that thing staring at me.) Within a short amount of time, I feel the need to open my eyes. I do so, and see my door is open. I thought to myself "that's weird, I never leave my door open... Ever" and as that thought finished, I felt that feeling. My brain recognized the feeling, because I found myself automatically turning over in panic. I hear this noise. Its different this time, its not like the other times. This one was more of a music type, I would say like a circling, whooshing, spiraling vortex sound. As this sound is happening, I Am screaming in my head "HELP ME!" "PLEASE!" "SOMEONE! HELP" Then I woke up, with my heart racing like a mother, and I seem to be out of breathe. I lay there, blanket pulled over my head, and I debate whether it happened or if it was a dream.
Anyone else have similar things going on? I ruled out sleep paralysis since I can move every time it happens. What I really want to know, can they really 'touch" you, or was I experiencing a very weird, and very odd hypnotic jerk? Personally I believe it is a demon, because when I recite the Guardian Prayer, I feel increased awareness and a lift of weight off my entire body. I wouldn't call myself religious... Because I don't go to church... But I don't think you have to go church to get to know the spirit realm. The scriptures in churches are written by man anyway.

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