Sunday 31 July 2016

Strange Happenings Down On The River

Location;Alabama United States
This is my haunting. My fiancé, his brother and his brother's friend are being attacked, haunted, tormented... Whatever you want to call it; by a malicious and evil spirit. This is a long story, but I really need help... Please read
This story begins about a year and a half ago down on the river. My fiancé "Alex" and his brother "Billy" and their friend "James" hung out almost the entire summer. Billy and James got bored one night and decided to go adventuring. The boys drove down the road and ended up stopping in front of an old empty summer home. Billy and James broke into the house and thus began to wreck havoc. They smashed furniture and electronics and broke windows and doors. James even went as far as to have sex on many of the beds. They made a crude Ouija board and tried to work it. They never stopped to think of what might be living there that they couldn't see.
Well after about two weeks the boys got bored and left the house alone. They forgot all about it... But the house didn't forget them.
One day Billy got bored and went out for a drive, he decided to drive past the abandoned home and see if anybody had found the vandalism yet. As he cruised by, Billy locked eyes with a pale little girl with eyes as black as coal. Billy felt a weird tingling and quickly turned the truck around and went home. His room wasn't quite the same after that...
He began hearing bumps and groans in the night and early morning, and he'd see things out of the corner of his eyes. Things would become displaced, his iPod malfunctioned and died. Billy became disturbed and he begged Alex and James to go back up to the house with him to see if the girl was there. They agreed and they drove up there that night, when they arrived the house was empty as usual. James and Billy went exploring in the house while Alex sat in the driveway. Well of course the younger boys found something to wreck and they came out playing with a fire extinguisher. Eventually they became bored and left, leaving the fire extinguisher in the yard.
Arriving home the boys went out to Alex's remodeled porch/bedroom to hang out. A couple of minutes later, Alex complained of sharp pains in his back, James said his stomach was hurting. They went to the bathroom to investigate. Alex pulled up his shirt to look and Billy and James gasped... There were long bloody scratches down his back. James quickly pulled up his and found red hand prints across his abdomen. Neither could explain. They never went back to the house.
One day I asked to go and we drove up there at about eight at night and I had brought my camera. The house was well lit by a street light and I had hoped for some great shots. I began to snap pictures rapidly... But the house wouldn't show up. Not event the glare off of the street lights, all I got was a black picture and weird orbs floating next to where the house should be in the pictures... We were all scared then.
That was the beginning...
Five months passed by quietly... A few bumps in the night here and there nothing major. Things picked up again when we were home alone one night. We all sat in Billy's room and it was about eleven. We had turned out all the lights and we were all lying on the bed talking. All the sudden there was a loud BANG! It made us jump and we rushed out of the bedroom into the living area, there we found a FED-EX box fifteen feet from where it was laid originally and all the doors were open and all the lights on. We ran outside and sat in the car until it was time for me to return home.
Things got quiet again... But not too quiet, things still moved and there were doors flying open at two in the morning and blinking electricity. We didn't think much about it.
Alex and Billy got the idea to try to record voices one night. They lit a candle and began to record. It was about two in the morning. They asked random question and pretty much made a joke out of it. Alex reached over from his easy chair to hand Billy the recorder when he said an invisible force slammed his head down onto the coffee table. The boys became scared and ran to Billy's room. They sat in the middle of the bed and said they heard laughing and it sounded like heavy foot steps running all through the house. The boys slept in the same room that night. When they woke up Billy's closet doorknob was about torn clean off.
This is the part where things have been getting weird lately. Billy saw a something in his pantry, it was white and transparent and when it turned to look at him, it was an old woman with no eyes and an open mouth. I have been receiving text messages from their dead great-grandmother, Vera. I've never met her and I do know her spirit dwells in the house; I have seen her. She sends me texts at the same time every night, and this started about three days ago. She usually sends them about three every morning.
The first one said "Vera guard gone solider lonely pain" and then the second one said "Boys will suffer for lengths warn listen" "protect please" and the final one, that I received this morning said "emotion stress weaken strengthen suicide" I had no idea what to make of all this and I finally got the guts to text back and I said "why me? How do I protect" she replied "no" six times and then I replied "why me?" she sent me the last text I've received so far "you love him and family". The weird part is that they are coming from Alex's phone, but none show up on his phone and we even pulled up the records and they aren't there either. I don't know how to react to all of this and I would like help.
Thank you for reading...

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