Wednesday 27 July 2016

A Child's First Friend

After reading many different stories on this particular website, I decided that I could possibly get some help from some of the readers here. This mainly happened when I was a child, basically, about 10 years ago. However, it hasn't left.
When I was around 6 years of age, I moved to Alberta, from BC. Being that we didn't have a house, we lived in my grandparent's old place in one of the elder parts of town. As I was a new child in a huge place, and my school didn't start for a good three months, I didn't have many friends. Yet, I seemed to find one.
After about a week of living in my Grandparent's house, my mother noticed I was spending more time in my room downstairs than with other people. She told me later that she'd always find me in my room, talking to thin air. Often, I'd draw, as I was and still am artistic, but I would come back with these drawings of large black circles; when questioned, I'd say without skipping a beat - "'She'drew them. "
After a while, as any parent would, my mother became worried. I'd spend more and more time in my room, talking to my 'friend', whom I affectionately referred to as 'She'.
She'd finally snapped after I'd come upstairs, asking for an extra cookie because 'She' was still hungry. I remember that she'd been very angry, yelling at me that 'She' wasn't real, and I needed to grow up and become and adult, instead of wasting my time with something that didn't exist. The last thing I remember from that day was running down to my room in the basement in tears. I wasn't told the rest of this story until just recently, within the last year or two.
Apparently, about an hour after my mother had snapped at me, she had come downstairs to apologize. After all, I was only a child, and in a brand new town. Naturally, I would make an imaginary friend. As she got close to my room, she said that she could hear a voice speaking, slightly higher than my own. She didn't catch most of the words, and told me she'd heard, "Okay" and "I'll be here." for the most part. Thinking that it was just me talking to 'She' again, she barged in, only to find me fast asleep. I, myself, don't actually remember any of this, I only remember running to my room, and going straight into bed.
My mother said that she'd seen a shadow hovering above me, looking barely human, but it appeared to be whispering in my ear. Almost as soon as she'd seen it, it vanished from sight. After that, my mother grabbed me and ran.
In the next few weeks afterwards, I began complaining that 'She' was angry and had refused to play with me, saying that, "She said that she still likes me, but says that mommy and daddy are mean." Shortly thereafter, we moved out of the house.
Now, nearly ten years later, I still visit that house. Nothing usually ever happens, but a recent occurrence brought me to post this story.
Roughly a week ago, I went to my Grandparent's house again for a visit. My brother and I were trying to scare each other, and jokingly, I said I'd go back into my old room. What scared me was what was on the bed.
Lying on the pillow were the old pictures I had drawn with 'She', including ones that were nothing more than a large black circle. Normally, I wouldn't have been scared. However, my mother had burned all my old pictures that I had drawn. These were perfect, with not even a crumple.
Obviously freaked out, I ran.
I believe that 'She' is still there, but I don't know exactly what it is. That's why I'm here, asking. Any suggestions or theories would be extremely helpful. My Grandma has been telling me that recently, she's felt as though she was being watched, and that someone had pushed her over the other day.
I mostly just want to know what this thing is, or was.
If you can offer a suggestion, thank you.

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