Monday 4 July 2016

I Think They Wanted My Help

Location:Pennsylvania United States
Recently I was on vacation to Gettysburg, PA with my family. Now, you can only imagine I would have some kind of experience. Well, guess what? I had three, and I couldn't wait to get back and post them to YGS! I decided that I would make this experience one all on its own because it has depth. My story begins with my dream
In Gettysburg, PA there was an orphanage. It is now a soldier's museum. (I'm getting to the dream if you were wondering, just have to explain some stuff first) Anyway, back when it was an orphanage, a lady named Rosa Carmichael was in charge. She was the 2nd person to be in charge of the orphanage. She was a very sick-minded person. She felt the need to torture the poor, innocent kids that lived there.
I won't go into too much detail, but she would chain them down in the dungeon if they misbehaved. She would make them sit down there for a couple days in total darkness. Could you imagine how scared those poor kids would be? Sometimes, she would make the older boys beat the kids.
Eventually, she was busted. A girl who had run away told her stories to some people that found her. Rosa was kicked out of town. The orphanage was shut down after that. Now, it is a museum. (like I mentioned before) Now, for my dream.
The day before I found out about the orphanage, I had a dream about one. In my dream, I went to visit the kids in their rooms at an orphanage. I met this one little girl in the dream. We talked, and played- but in the dark. The whole room was dark. I could sense she was there, and I also had a feeling that she needed help, and she was sick. When I was done playing with her, I walked out of her room and walked up the stairs. In that room, there were three old-fashioned beds with three teenage boys in them. I had a feeling that they were sick too, and they needed help also. Then the dream ended.
The next day I was surfing the web, looking for Gettysburg haunts. The orphanage came up, along with its long dead residents. At the time, I didn't realize that my dream might be related to it. The next day though, it occurred to be in the car when we were hiking up to PA. I told my mom, and she didn't say anything for a while. I begged her to take me there. She really didn't want to, but finally she gave in.
When we arrived in Gettysburg, one of the first things we did was go to the museum. Surprisingly, when I first stepped in, I felt calm. Maybe it's because I felt like I could relate to them, since I'm still considered a kid too. We paid and then entered the museum. I was looking around, and then I realized that someone was stroking the top of my hair. I jumped and told my mom. She said that somebody was touching her hair too.
I'm surprised that I didn't freak. I just kept walking around the museum trying to shake off the feeling of being watched. I paused and looked at the artifacts behind the glass, and then I felt it again. Somebody was touching my hair- for the second time.
That's when I said, not aloud, but in my head that the spirits stuck here could leave. I told them that Rosa wasn't keeping them there anymore. She was long gone, and they were free.
I honestly think that I had that dream for a reason. Those kids wanted my help. Please comment, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

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