Monday 4 July 2016

Lillian - The First Encounter

Location:Wisconsin United States
This is what I believe to be the very first encounter with a ghost child, who I've come to call Lillian.
Early August of 2009, during my summer vacation, I sat in the living room chatting with a friend online. The room was pitch-black; all of the lights were out, as it was about 2:00 AM. My father (who is a quadriplegic mind you; he cannot walk or move) was fast asleep in his bed, and the only light I had was what emitted from my laptop screen. Plain and simple, it was pitch black and dead quiet.
For some unknown reason, I looked up from my screen towards the door. I stared at the corner near the door, where I saw some type of shadow. The shadow was not moving, but its "insides" were; the image is clear in my mind, but the way to explain it is not. The best way I can convey this is that the shadow - which at this time was a misshapen somewhat thin mass that reached from the floor to the ceiling - was made of some sort of mist, which swirled about within itself.
Telling myself that this was nothing, I resumed chatting, not mentioning to the friend - who has also had a few paranormal encounters - what I had thought I'd seen. Yet again, for no known reason, I looked towards the door again, to find the shadow much shorter than it was before. It seemed to have a bit more of a shape now as well, and was at least a foot closer. I again ignored it for a moment. This process repeated itself about three or four times - the shadow becoming more humanoid as it moved closer while I tried to ignore what I was not sure I wanted to be my imagination or reality.
Then, there it was, very close now. It seemed to have the shape of a small girl - somewhere between the ages of ten and twelve, I would say - and was now standing about four feet from me, diagonally. At this point, I had started to tell my friend what was going on. He wasn't sure of what to do; it's not like he could do anything in the first place, but it's the thought that counts.
I looked up once more to see her standing in front of me. She was just inches from my person; I sat upright and very still in the massive recliner as I stared at her. Her face had no features - no features anywhere at all, just the shadow of a small girl. She slowly raised one of her arms and reached her small hand out to me, when I heard a crash. It sounded like one of the DVDs had fallen off the shelf somewhere near the TV next to me. I quickly looked to the side where the TV was, but saw nothing. I turned back and her hand was outspread and her arm was coming closer, looking as if she were about to touch me.
This is when my paranoia got the better of me and a quick adrenaline rush kicked in; I stood up, laptop still in hand for no logical reason, ran right past her, across the room to the hallway, and flipped on the light. The room then flooded with pale yellow light - but it was empty. There was no little girl, no shadow. I saw nothing. I sat down and leaned against a wall for a few minutes, completely baffled at what just happened. Not too long afterwards, I decided to go to bed.
This is not the last time I have seen this girl - in fact, I often see her, to this day. I have no idea who she is, or why she is here, or what she wants from me. I have had the thought of calling her Lillian; I cannot explain why that name came to me one day. I hadn't really been thinking about anything, but I got the chills, and suddenly, I thought of calling her Lillian. Maybe she was communicating with me.
She has a habit of moving my porcelain dolls and hiding my necklaces; the attributes of a mischievous young child. At this point I sometimes think that she is just looking for someone to interact with, like an older sibling, perhaps. I may not ever know for sure.

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