Monday 25 July 2016

Staying The Night With Haunted Friend

Location:Texas United States
When I first moved to Houston, I had a friend who invited me to stay overnight during the Thanksgiving holidays. She had already told me stories about her haunted apartment (and another one within sight of her balcony) so I admit I was a bit curious.
The first experience with her haunts was the freezer. Now being older (I am near 43 at the moment but at the time was in my mid 30s), I was use to refrigerators of many kinds and their sounds but even I was mildly surprised to hear her freezer growl at me. Yes, like a dog would do and it only happened on the time I opened it and none of the times my friend had that night. She chuckled for she had already told me how it did such (as this is my story and not hers, I will not go into more detail of her experiences). Nothing else would happen for a while after that as I decided not to "harass" the freezer.
The second would happen sometime overnight when I slept in her living room on the love seat. As the apartment was warmer than I was use to and also not my normal bed, I was sleeping fitfully even as I was exhausted. Sometime during the night, I opened my blurry eyes and saw someone standing over me. I was just too tired to speak or do much more than go back to sleep but I remember feeling a hint embarrassed that my rough sleeping has caused my friend to get up to check on me.
Well, the next morning as I was getting dressed, I then tried to apologize for disturbing her. She gave me a most odd look and asked me what I was talking about. I blinked at her for a moment and mentioned about my seeing her. She shook her head and told me she did not even get up. When I described what happened, she gave me a frightened look and told me about a young man that she had once called the police on only for him to have mysteriously disappeared from the completely locked apartment without sound or trace. He had been about her height (near 6 feet tall) and a bit on the thin side. Indeed, since I had been blurry eyed, her would have seemed to be much like her.
That would be the final time and soon, with her lease up, she would move away from it but I have to say it had been interesting night to add to my collection of "life experiences" stories.

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