Monday 4 July 2016

The Stairs, The Kitchen And The Little Girl

Location:United Kingdom
I'm only 14 years old and I live at home with my Mum and Dad. I never really believed in ghosts until we got our Dog (let's just call her P, to protect my identity.) One night (at around 8pm) P sat up in her basket, which was in our living room, facing the stairs, and she ran towards the stairs barking. Then she came back into the living room and jumped on the chair in-between me and my Mum and started whimpering. She did this quite a lot of times. We wondered why she used to do that. It all came clear a few months ago.
Me and my Brother were the only 2 in the house and my brother was upstairs in his room. I was sitting in the chair I always sit in, in my living room, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow running down the stairs. Immediately I assumed it was my Brother. But then I thought how the hell could he move that fast without any noise at all? So I went upstairs and my brother was sat there on his bed listening to music, and I never saw or heard anyone go back up the stairs anyway so it couldn't have possibly been him.
I never mentioned this to anybody for a few days but then the exact same thing happened again. Except that this time I wasn't alone downstairs, me and my Mum was sitting on the sofa and I saw it again. I thought I'd go and investigate, but found nothing. I returned to the living room and my Mum asked me what that was about and I had to come clean about what I saw, but to my surprise she wasn't fazed by this at all, in fact she looked like she knew what I was talking about. Then she told me she had seen the same thing too, out of the corner of her eye.
Eventually, in a family conversation, it became apparent that everybody had experienced this. Just a day after the conversation my Mum was in the Kitchen cooking tea and somebody tapped her, on her back. Now, I'm quite an immature person at the best of times, so she immediately assumed I had ran into the kitchen, tapped her, then ran away. But I was in the Living room watching TV with my Dad, and so we explained that it wasn't me and that id been in the living room with my Dad all of the time.
Then a few days ago (and this is what pushed me to write our story) I was in the house alone and I was passing the Kitchen to go to the toilet upstairs, when I saw her, clear as day no longer something out of the corner of my eye but a solid figure. I was terrified, and she looked upset about something (she looked as though she was cowering in the corner.) As you can imagine I ran like hell to the toilet and haven't looked in to the kitchen when home alone since.
The strange thing is we don't see her on a regular basis, every now and then we will have periods of no activity at all. Which I guess makes it all the more frightening when it happens. So I was wondering, Why our house? Why does she only appear every now and then? Why was she a shadow, and then a solid figure? And how come P picked up on her first? If you could give some explanations I would be very grateful.

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