Friday 1 July 2016

Black Spirit

Location:Tennessee United States
My story starts back when I was 12 in Tennessee my parents third house which we've been living in for about 11 years now. Until that time I had never expierenced anything paranormal and no one else in the house had either.
The year was 2004 and my little bro and I were living in the same room with bunk beds. I don't remember why but we both slept on the bottom bunk that night and everything was cool. The next moring I woke up to find a big black hand over my face stretched out like it was trying to cover my whole face. I was scaried to death and covered my head under my blanket. I then poked my head back out and saw a tall, black silhouette figure walking out of my room. This was pretty early in the morning like sixish so I was the only one awake and no one else in the family saw or heard anyhting. They all thought I was imagining it and just dismissed it.
The next encounter with this thing was after we had an addition done to our house in 2006. Three new rooms were added including my new room, my sisters room, and a playroom. One night all my siblings and I were sleeping on a streched out futon in the playroom. I woke up in the middle of the night and was feeling all hot and sweating and then immediately started to get a feeling of dread. I looked around to see if anyone was awake and as I did I saw a white cloudy looking thing right behind where I was sleeping. As instinct I buried my head in my covers and feel back asleep. (I know this isn't the black thing but just thought I should mention it)
By this time I think my brother and sister had started to hear and see things out of the corner of their eye but nobody had seen the full body thing, and even I had not seen the thing until I was about 15. It was in the middle of the night and I just woke up with a jolt and was just laying in my bed in my addition room. I was shuffling around in my bed to go back to sleep when I saw something standing in front of my window. I looked and there was the tall black silhouette standing there. I covered my head and just layed there. I had that feeling of dread and just intense fear and knew this thing was not good.
The next few times I saw this thing was over the next few years and it was standing in front of the window and I would always just be completely terrified of it. I told my parents and they took olive oil and went around blessing the house.
Then the most freakiest time I encountered the thing was when I was either 17 or 18 years old and was sleeping in my room. Woke up and right on the side of my bed looking straight into my face was the black silhouette. I just flipped and covered my head. I was breathing so freaking heavily and was just completely terrified. The feeling of just horrible dread and fear was back. All I did for what felt like forever was just sit there and peek out my covers. The creepiest part about it was that it had a neck and shoulders and looked like it was crouching there looking at me and not just some floating head. Also, when I was peeking out my covers it was bobbing its head back and forth like it was looking for me.
Since then, I haven't seen the full figure again. I still get a paranoid feeling when walking around my house and will still see out the corner of my eye something, or hear a voice that calls my name.
I have done a good amount of research into this thing and pray about it and ask friends about it but still I need some more info cause there are some other things that happened to me and I can't tell if they were real or not and might have something to do with this spirit. All I know that this spirit or demon or whatever it is was not good in any way and may still be affecting me in what I draw and feel around it the house, especially in my room. Please respond with some info and thanks for reading.

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