Friday 1 July 2016

Grandpa's Ghost

Location:Massachusetts United States
This is my first story that I have put up here but it is just one account of many experiences I have had. I am very interested in the paranormal and have been for a long time, I have a journal that I have been keeping for years in all my encounters some more interesting than others but all true. This particular story takes place when I was in 7th grade so I was probably 13 or so (I am 16 now).
Well I was in my bedroom watching TV it was around 9:00PM EST and I was just trying I make myself tired. Then there was this weird noise that sounded of rising static it was like zzzzzZZZZZZZZ. It was then that my TV went off, now I have a Samsung and anyone familiar with the brand knows that annoying little noise it makes when ever you turn it on or off? Yea well that didn't happen, it just went black. At the time I did not think anything paranormal had anything to do with it I assumed it was just a bad signal. So I was getting out of bed to go and tell my mom that my TV did not work. Well as I was doing that there was a clear, audible, and gruffly voice that was what had belonged to my grandfather who had died of cancer two years before. The voice had said my name in a question like "Remy?" Then it was silent.
The static noise went away and my TV turned back on. I was understandably freaked out but at the same time skeptical, I shouted to my mom and asked her if my dad had come home yet, but she informed me that he worked late that night. I do not really remember what I did after that but I assumed I just slept in the spare room that night.
My knowledge of the paranormal leads me to believe that my grandfathers spirit had used energy from the TV and attempted to communicate with me. I did not feel threatened or anything but at the time just freaked out. Freaked out of what I couldn't see or understand.
But now this is what I like to think as my first memorable and impacting ghost experience. I have plenty of others to share so I will try to write them here in time. Thank you for reading!

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