Friday 1 July 2016

A Spirit Had Sex With Me

Location:Texas United States
This is the strangest thing to date that has happened to me. There are things I might mention that may sound strange but just read my story as it has a great ending. At age 11 I'd started my menses and even for young girls it never came every month or lasted very long but within that year mine came and lasted 30 days, sometimes longer.
My mother took me to doctors upon doctors that gave me things that worked for a while, even birth control pills, but then after awhile they all stopped working. It was the worst, as a young girl I felt like I was so different from other girls. So I learned to live with it but then soon after I wasn't sleeping, would wake up naked and not remember taking my clothing off. I'd be sweaty and feel like I'd had sex or like something had gone on 'below'. This went on from the age of 11-24. I married when I was 23 and wanted children but was told that based on my history that it would be very difficult to get pregnant.
So my oldest sons grandmother took me to see a Babbalou (Santeria Priest) and he told me that a demon/spirit was having sex with me. I couldn't believe this. He explained in detail (can't remember all the details)...He said he'd come to my home and get this demon/spirit out of there. He also had me do some things which involved a glass, vinegar and putting this concoction under my bed for 1 week. I was in disbelief... But upon the ending of that week I had not felt the sensations/feeling I'd had every night for years. Then within 2 weeks of that I'd become pregnant with my first son. I now have 5 children and have never had another contact with that spirit.

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