Friday 1 July 2016

The Little Lost Girl

Location:Illinois United States
I remember once as a little girl my grandmother would tell me lots of stories and all were true. More than anything they would fascinate me instead of scare me. I would go into her room and sit in a chair as she would tell me things from her bed. One story in particular was the one about the little girl she once saw in the very house we were in and how she helped the little girl to cross back over to where she needed to be.
Well one evening as my grandmother was cleaning up her house after a dinner party she was in the kitchen, but she kept hearing a sound from the living room that sounded like crying from a child, so she went from the kitchen and into the living room to check and see if it was all her imagination. She looked around nothing was out of place and there definitely was not anybody in the living room. Nevertheless my grandmother proceeded to check the radio and TV's and nothing was on, so she figured hmmm, it was all her imagination so she went back to doing her cleaning. Then 5 minutes later she heard the same sounds of a child crying, coming from the living room and this time it was real as of what and where the sound was coming from.
There was a little girl sitting on my grandmothers living room floor and as my grandma looked at her, she could tell she was not from the era that was back then 1980's but from an era that passed so very long ago quite possibly a hundred years. My grandmother described the little girl as having red hair in two long ponytails braided and a dress that was brown and very long. She said the little blue eyed girl was on the middle of the living room floor crying and had a ball and jacks in her hand. Grandma was stunned by what she saw in front of her and had to calm her spirits and find out who this child was and why she was in her house.
Child, my grandma say's what is your name and why are you here in my house? The little girl all of 8 years old looked up at my grandma and said. I use to live here and my parents moved. I am just waiting for them to come pick me up because they forgot me.
My grandmother now understanding that this child was a ghost from another era who had died young and was trapped in between this world and another told the little girl to look into the light and that is where she will find her parents and they are waiting on you and they miss you very much. The little girl looked at my grandma and was puzzled, but she got up off the floor and turned and looked at out the window that was closest to the stairs in the house, she looked at my grandma one last time and she started walking towards that window and then she disappeared never to be seen again in that house.
My grandma said she prayed that night and hoped that all was well in her own house and that the little beautiful child found her peace and her family.
My grandma told me that story when I was 8 years old, the same age as the little girl and I never forgot it and it always stays with me.

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