Saturday 2 July 2016

Can Anybody Help Me Figure Out What's Haunting Me?

Location:California United States
My name is Lina and I've been having strange, frightening experiences for years now. I moved into a four house apartment complex when I was about five. When I would lay in my bed at night, I would hear footsteps walk around my bed. At first I would lay there and pretend to be asleep thinking it might be my parents checking up on me. However, it didn't stop and when I opened my eyes, I saw nobody but I still could hear the footsteps. It seems to be intelligent as well because when I'd sit up in bed, the footsteps would stop as if whoever they belonged to was staring straight at me and the footsteps would continue once I lay back down. As I got older, I grew less afraid but for some reason, it seems to be growing stronger.
In one especially violent attack, when I was around ten or so, I woke up on the floor one morning with a huge cut across my wrist. Keeping in mind that I have never had a problem with sleepwalking, moving in my sleep (since I always sleep on my right side and I wake up the same way each morning), or being a deep sleeper (on the contrary, I'm a very light sleeper and will awake to the slightest sounds such as the sound of someone walking into my room), I was completely terrified and distressed. Furthermore, I awoke flat on my back, arms at my sides, facing the ceiling, blanket still on the bed although I went to sleep under it - which is not consistent with a random fall from my bed.
I had previously thought this entity was confined to my house but beginning in my freshman year of high school, lights would flicker when I was under them and sometimes I'd see shadow people (shadowy human-like shapes) out of the corner of my eye but when I'd turn to see what/who they were, they wouldn't be there anymore. For a while, I just chalked it up to coincidence but then things just got too bizarre. For instance, one time in biology class, all the lights were off because we were watching a movie when the light directly above me, and only that light (even though my school's lights are controlled by row), flickered very quickly about 5-10 times before going back off.
Recently, it seems to be stronger than ever and I still have no idea what it is. Now, I wake up from nightmares where my body is not my own and I'm being forced up to my attic (I live on one of the apartments on the top floor so I have an attic). I also wake up with scratches, usually three in a row on my hands and sometimes on my face but not often. And very recently, my boyfriend tells me I was taking a nap when he walked in the room and I sat straight up in bed, looked at him and said "I hate you" and then just lowered back down to sleep. This particularly freaks me out because we weren't fighting at all at the time and I am pretty confident that I never woke up once during that nap plus, I'm a very light sleeper, remember? Could it be able to possess me now or is it something like my aura controlling my surroundings?
I want to research my area and my apartment but I have no idea how to. Any tips?

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