Saturday 2 July 2016

Little Forest Boy

Location:United Kigdom
Back when I lived in Scotland, we lived near a forest and I'd go walking all the time.
Once I saw what looked like a little boy. He looked to be about two or three with blonde hair, and jeans and a blue tee-shirt on. He was hiding behind a tree, and I knew that there was a rather big hole behind the tree so I ran up to him and told him to watch out, but when I got there, he was gone. There was no way he could have run away; there were no big trees around, or bushes that he could hidden by. I got the hell outta there!
Then about, three or four weeks later, I was walking in the forest, much deeper in this time, and I saw him again, dressed in the same clothes... Now there was a stream/river in the forest and I didn't want him to fall in because he was leaning over the water, so I went over to him and said: "Sweetie, be careful! Where's your mum?" He turned to look at me and ran over by a bush, I walked over to the bush and he was gone. I was really freaked out again, but I kept looking for him, I wanted to make sure he hadn't gotten lost or anything, but I couldn't find him.
I saw him many other times, and each time, he'd look at me and run away, I only heard him speak once, and that one time he said: "Mummy?" That was the only time I ever heard him speak.
The one time that sticks in my mind though, was when I was with my friend Rose and I was telling her about the little boy, we were walking slowly, and Rose kept looking around for the little boy, I was just telling her about the time when I heard him speak when she gasped, grabbed my arm and pointed up ahead at a little path going into all these brambles. I followed her gaze and saw him standing there, staring at us. Rose started pulling my arm trying to get me to go back, but I wouldn't. I got pretty close to him, and he just turned away, run behind a tree and vanished.
Now I know that people are going to say why didn't I run faster, well I didn't want to scare him, and the last time I saw him, I was trying to pick my way through thistles. I never saw him again, and later that year we moved to Texas.
Any ideas on why he's there will be welcomed!

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