Saturday 2 July 2016

My First Ghost Seen

Location:Puerto Rico
The event is actually short but I want to share it with you now that I remember this, its a experience I am never going to forget.
So it was around 6:30 a.m. I was around 5 or 6 years old. (Now 15)
Since I was young my mom and dad taught me that there's good spirits and bad ones too.
So pretty much since I was young I've been familiar with the paranormal.
That morning I was left alone in the house with my mom but of course she was sleeping because it was 6:30 a.m. My dad and my sister had left to my dad's roosters place, yes my dad loves roosters so he used to raise them so he would feed them, train them and also even cut their feathers xD.
So as I was saying, it was around 6:30 a.m. And you know how little kids wake up very early in the morning and the first two things that they do is go to the bathroom pee and rapidly go to the refrigerator just to stare at it, well I was like that too.
After I went to the bathroom and to the refrigerator, when I opened the refrigerator I looked at my left and saw this not very tall shadow, it looked like a kid to me. Also, it looked male but because it was a light shadow I couldn't tell what it was. It had his hands like when someone's hot that they blow air with their hands to their face? Well something like that and since I was a young girl I'm known to be a scary cat I can't even watch scary movies. So I left the refrigerator running to my moms room, lay beside her and covered my self with the sheets.
Thank You,
I Know Its Not That Scary But Is Interesting
Because It Was My First Ghost Encounter

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