Saturday 2 July 2016

Cemetary Apparition

Location:Arizona United States
When I was fifteen, I went to a Catholic Cemetary outside of town with a group of friends. We planned on having a seance, and we had came prepared. We set a small fire on the rock path that went through the cemetary. We had dried chicken bones that we had found in an abandoned barn outside of town, visable from the cemetary. My friend had found a spell in Latin that we all chanted. He spoke Spanish so Latin is very similar so it wasn't hard for him to find online and that way we somewhat understood what we were chanting.
Everyone was chanting this incantation around the fire, I remember that I kept batting these bugs. They seemed to be coming from this tree that was about fifty feet away. I was having a hard time trying to ignore the bugs that seemed to come more and more. Everyone around me seemed to have stoped chanting and was looking at something. I quit swatting the bugs away and looked where they were looking. About a hundred feet or so there was this figure. The only way I can describe what I saw was a black angel looking apparition. It looked like those angel shaped tombstones except this looked as though it was made out of black smoke. The bugs became thicker and everyone started running back towards town.
What I find to be very odd is that those bugs were locust. When we began to do the ritual there was only a couple I noticed. As we went there was more. As we were running back into town it was as though this swarm of locust chased us.
I am not Christian, but I do know that locust were a plague in the bible, and we performed this on holy ground.

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