Monday 4 July 2016

Entity Haunting Me And My Children

Location:Texas United States
I have decided to post this story because I have a serious issue that my children and I have been experiencing and I'm out of options. I never have had anything like this happen before and I know absolutely nothing about the spirit world.
There is I guess a spirit who literally follows me around everywhere I go... It all started with music playing at night (music playing at night has been going on for quite some time but never thought anything about it) to movement on my bed like footsteps and touching my feet etc. To my blankets literally shaking in front of my face... (Lights coming on, door opening and closing on their own. I was able to catch the blankets moving on video and in the video you actually see faces forming in my blanket... Then to my shirt being what felt like tugged and so I got my phone and started recording that as well and you see my shirt like bunching up in the back and a face of a man forms on the back of my shirt. And now it feels as though this entity is or trying to have sex with me. I don't feel anything like sexual arousal yet it feels like something is pressing on my bladder then I felt that deep electric sensation on the back of my upper legs and bottom in a rhythmic motion. I jumped up, very upset at what I thought was happening left out of the room got about half way through my living room and then began to feel weighed down. It then dawned on me what was happening and I yelled out "you're not stronger than me" then it stopped.
I went back and reviewed the video and you see me get up and leave out the room and then you see a bright white ball like object come out from my bed and zoomed out of my room. I know how crazy this all sounds and I have prayed and asked it to leave. I have had our Bishop come in and do different blessings. I have talked to it about the light, about leaving my house about how he is scaring me and yet it does not leave. I don't sense it rather I feel a deep vibration that's feels like electricity, what I believe to be where he is touching me or sitting next to me or something. It tries to communicate back to me through fans and the radio (and sometimes I just hear a deep ringing in my ear) etc. But I won't listen to it any more... I did this trying to figure out what was going on initially and that's when things escalated so I stopped doing that.
I'm looking for someone who can maybe talk to this entity and see if we can't get it to leave or if there's more than one and if so all of them to leave... I feel like I'm going crazy and the only reason I don't go see a Dr is because I do have the videos that reminds me that there is something going on... It's not shy either he will do things in front of the kids, guests anyone! It feels like sometimes he is trying to possess me or like its sitting in my lap, when that happens I get very nauseated and agitated... This has been so scary for the kids that we packed up one night last week and went to a hotel and sure enough it come with me.
I'm just a normal mother of six, I am RN and have worked in the ICU for years nothing special, I don't use drugs or drink. I just cannot figure out what to do and it's so hard to find any help. I'm exhausted and my kids are constantly scared to go bed... It's just a nightmare. I can show you the videos the pictures anything you need to show you this is really going on and I do not mind paying for help I just do not know who to trust with this. I already paid one lady 100 dollars and she wasn't able to do anything but speak to what she called her own spirit guides.
I really am desperate for help at this point... I don't know anything about psychics and there's just no one else to call for help with something like this.
Please let me know if you think you can help me... Thank You in advance for your time.
Thanks for reading my story hopefully someone can help us!

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