Monday 4 July 2016

My Ghost Is Still Here

Location:Washington United States
I posted a story earlier about needing help with me ghost problem, well today it got a lot worse.
I go to summer school every morning; I ride my bike since I only live about a mile and a half away. My bike is brand new and I made sure everything works before I use a new bike. I had been riding it for days and the brakes were fine. But today on my way home I heard someone whisper my name in my ear. I looked around but I was the only pedestrian, so I ignored it and kept riding. I heard it again but louder. I was a little freaked out but kept going. As I began to cross the street I saw a black Sudan and it wasn't going to stop. I hit the handle brakes but they didn't work. Luckily the car slowed down so when it hit me I only got knocked off my bike. That's not even the weird part. After the driver made sure I was okay and apologized a million times I rode off on my bike. I tested the brakes and they were working just fine. When I got home I called my grandma and told her what had happened and she told me I just wasn't paying attention to the road. Later when I went out for a smoke I grabbed my hoodie which was sitting on the table but something pulled back on it and ripped it on the sleeve. I yanked it hard and ran outside.
Later when I was making ramen I smelled something really foul like burning plastic. The stove top and oven were completely off. Once I started eating I felt really sick and threw up. When I was in the bathroom I heard the screen door open and close so I called out to ask who was home. I got no answer. (I had been home alone all day.)
So now I have the door locked and I'm sitting alone in the basement on the computer. I feel like someone is standing right behind me pushing down on my shoulders. Its icy cold down here even though the AC is off and its 80 degrees outside. I need help getting rid of whatever has been following me its getting more and more aggressive.
Advice would really help me.

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