Saturday 2 July 2016

Ghost Attached To Me

I believe I may have a ghost or something attatched to me. When I was 15, I was staying with a friend and I was was in the spare room. I was getting ready for bed and I put my cell phone on the night table beside me which was completely dead. I got under the covers and closed my eyes. A few seconds later my phone started ringing and I went to grab it and a black figure was floating over top me. I closed my eyes and jumped out of the bed and tryed to open the door and the door knob would not turn. I ended up screaming for my friend to let me out.
As life passed by I just figured my imagination was overactive or it was just a dream. I will be 19 in a month and lately I have had weird thing happen to me in the last few months. I was just sitting there when I started seeing things sideways so it seemed like I was falling, and I remember the last thing I thought was crap I am going to pass out. I had a smoke in the ashtray and it was half gone when I came to. I was in the same position. I didn't fall over and my aunt said it looked like I was just watching tv, eyes open and everything. But I wasn't there.
A few weeks ago I was in bed and I felt my pillow moving and thought it was my cat. I looked and he was at my feet. Then I felt like a huge weight was on me and I couldn't move or open my eyes and I kept thinking go away go away. But it just kept pushing like it wanted in my body. It took a few minutes for the feeling to go away and to open my eyes. After that I kept seeing things on the tv like your time is running out or $6.66 all the time when I am working at a till. I get shivers up my spine randomly.
Now I am freaking out because I had a terrible nightmare that felt so real. I was sleeping in my dream and I could see a black figure above me and I could just tell it was not a nice spirit or whatever. I was trying to scream for my mom over and over while this thing was trying to push into my body. It felt real, the struggle was awful. Then the next thing I knew I was in my mom's room and I could see her sleeping. I realized I wasn't in my body I was just there. Suddenly I snapped back into my room and my body. That's when I woke up shaking and terrified.
Any ideas as to what is going on? Any feedback would be good.

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