Friday 1 July 2016

Graveyard Mistakes

Location:Illinois United States
My Fiancé and I went to a graveyard in our town, with two friends. I had a bad feeling about this from the beginning. Our friend Darus had been there once before with his brother. Their car had died in the middle of the graveyard and they had to get out finding out what was wrong. His cables had been removed from his battery.
Well we decided to go back with him and it was not good. When we got there you could feel the atmosphere change. We got about half way into the graveyard and I could feel things all around. I looked up and saw a woman in a dress. Her eyes were a light red and she seemed to be smiling. Although afraid I wanted to go to her. Darus, our friend had seen the same woman and he raced off.
When we got back to town there were hand prints all over the place and I felt as if there were spider webs all over me. I asked a spirit that has followed me for years to help and finally I fell asleep. That was three days ago and I still feel something dark around me. I have never been one to dip into things like this, but now I am completely terrified. I'm not sure, but I think the woman may have followed me back. The three people with me that night feel nothing different, but I can.
I have protection of my own, but I'm worried that maybe this is too strong to be willed away. If someone could possibly give me some advice or insight it would be much appreciated. I have asked around town and from what Darus brother has been told, there was a woman who clamed to be a witch who is resting there. I am beginning to believe that the woman may be the witch.
I do not know if she is dangerous, but if the way I'm feeling is anything to go by, I think that maybe she is. It has never happened to me before this. I have always tried to block this kind of thing, so I have always had a bad feeling. Not like this though. The spirit that I mentioned earlier is like my protector. She has been with me for as long as I can remember and has never done harm. Her name is Arial and she will never hurt me.
That is the only thing I have ever seen before this. I have felt things but put up my guard before I see anything. It has to be something powerful to break down my guard and I can feel Arial's unease. She has been very frightened the past couple of days. I haven't seen her and it frightens me. I can usually see her. So I do not know what to do.

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